Released version 2.0.0
Main feature: Inline Editation! (special thanks to @koprivajakub )
- You can try it in demo
- Controls:
- CMD (or CTRL) + DBL CLICK - start inline editation on focused table cell
- ENTER (or CMD / CTRL + ENTER) - save current value
- ESC - stop inline editation
Other minnor changes:
- Columns: Label can be object of \Nette\Utils\Html now (Issue 116)
- Columns: Removed „cool url sorting representation“ (↑/↓) (Issue 123)
- Fixed client-side script (Issue 114)
- DataSources\Doctrine: Improved Doctrine Paginator (Issue 125)
- Added Nette 2.2 support
For the details about the changes you can have a look at the GitHub diff.