a set of functions to publishing powershell modules
Publish the module to a previously setup private feed, setting the ModulePath and VersionIncrementType
$splat = @{ NugetPath = $nugetPath FeedName = 'Feed' ModulePath = 'module\PSEasy.Utility' } Publish-NugetPackage @splat -VersionIncrementType Patch
If you don't yet have this module version on your machine you can bootstrap the functions into your session before installing properly by using the Import-ModuleFunction script and provide the Module
. "module\PSEasy.Module\Module\Import-ModuleFunction.ps1" -ModulePath "$projectRoot\module\PSEasy.Utility" . .\src\PSEasy.Module\PSEasy.Module.build.ps1 -bootstrap
Install the artifact credential provider on the machine
Install-ArtifactCredentialProvider -AddNetfx
Register the artifact for Nuget.exe to allow publishing
$splat = @{ NugetPath = $nugetPath OrganisationName = 'yourOrg' ProjectName = 'yourProj' FeedName = 'Feed' LegacyAddress = $true Username = 'Personal Access Token' Password = $azureDevOpsPat } Register-NugetArtifactSource @splat
Register the artifact for Powershell nuget provider to allow Install-Module to work (get a Personal Artifact Token from Azure Devops and provide as a password)
$splat = @{ OrganisationName = 'yourOrg' ProjectName = 'yourProj' FeedName = 'Feed' LegacyAddress = $true Username = 'Personal Access Token' Password = $azureDevOpsPat } Register-PSArtifactSource @splat
Now you can test you have the repository
Get-PSRepository Get-PackageSource Find-Module '*' -Repository Feed
Now install it
Install-Module -Name PSEasy.Module -Repository Feed
Make changes to the library
Test directly by importing from the folder
Build-Module .\src\PSEasy.Module\ -Import
test it, change further, repeat
once happy publish as Nuget to a repository and indicate how to increment the version as part of the activity
Now publish it
Set-ModuleVersion -modulepath '.\module\PSEasy.Module\' -VersionIncrementType Patch
setup your profile with an easy to use by putting the below in your
code $profile
(setup the file with the commented code)<# setup encrypted password one-time with $password = Read-Host "Enter Password" -AsSecureString $fileLocation = '~\PsEasy.NuGetApiKey.user.secret' Set-Content -Path $fileLocation -Value $password -Force #> $global:PsEasyNuGetApiKey = Get-Content $fileLocation | ConvertTo-SecureString function Get-PSEasyNuGetApiKey {($PsEasyNuGetApiKey | ConvertFrom-SecureString -AsPlainText)}
then use this safely with
Publish-Module -path ....\PSEasy\PSEasy.Module\PSEasy.Module\ -Verbose -NuGetApiKey (Get-PsEasyNuGetApiKey) -Whatif
Now others can use
to install from the published location