Releases: nyx-discord/nyx
Releases · nyx-discord/nyx
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@nyx-discord/[email protected]
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@nyx-discord/[email protected]
@nyx-discord/[email protected]
2.0.0 (2024-07-11)
- replace manager fields in NyxBot with getters
- move session end codes to single SessionEndCodes enum
- rename dataSeparator to metadataSeparator and remove CustomIdBuilder#getNamespace(), #getSeparator(), #getDataSeparator()
- make event manager/bus add/subscribe methods take a rest array rather than a single argument
- make command deployment on start optional
- remove EventBus dependency on bots
- remove ErrorHandler dependency on bots
- rewrite commands to use DJS builders, allow guild commands and create CommandDeployer
- remove LinkedList logic from middlewares
- add BotOptions#refreshCommands
- rename Session#start() to Session#onStart() and Session#update() to Session#onUpdate()
- add #subscribe() methods to every manager (fa55bb3)
- add BotOptions#refreshCommands (a50218e)
- add CommandCustomIdCodec#getNameTreeFromId() and deserializeToNameTree() (4828ee5)
- add CustomIdCodec getters for separators and namespace (a5edab0)
- add SessionManager#resolve() (fae4114)
- make AbstractSession#selfEnd() reason optional (99523e7)
- make command deployment on start optional (ac2eee3)
- make event manager/bus add/subscribe methods take a rest array rather than a single argument (e58b97b)
- make PluginManager#register() accept rest (fc9b981)
- move session end codes to single SessionEndCodes enum (3266822)
- remove ErrorHandler dependency on bots (8f2bf41)
- remove EventBus dependency on bots (c342cea)
- rename Session#start() to Session#onStart() and Session#update() to Session#onUpdate() (0eb3645)
- rewrite commands to use DJS builders, allow guild commands and create CommandDeployer (9e9e96b)
Bug Fixes
- fix errors caught by the new eslint (6837629)
- handle undefined return type in SessionRepository (58441ba)