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CosmWasm smart contract framework


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Sylvia Framework

Sylvia is the old name meaning Spirit of The Wood.

Sylvia is the Roman goddess of the forest.

Sylvia is also a framework created to give you the abstraction-focused and scalable solution for building your CosmWasm Smart Contracts. Find your way into the forest of Cosmos ecosystem. We provide you with the toolset, so instead of focusing on the raw structure of your contract, you can create them in proper and idiomatic Rust and then just let cargo make sure that they are sound.

Learn more about sylvia in the book

The approach

CosmWasm ecosystem core provides the base building blocks for smart contracts - the cosmwasm-std for basic CW bindings, the cw-storage-plus for easier state management, and the cw-multi-test for testing them. Sylvia framework is built on top of them, so for creating contracts, you don't have to think about message structure, how their API is (de)serialized, or how to handle message dispatching. Instead, the API of your contract is a set of traits you implement on your SC type. The framework generates things like entry point structures, functions dispatching the messages, or even helpers for multitest. It allows for better control of interfaces, including validating their completeness in compile time.

Also, as a side effect, as Sylvia has all the knowledge about the contract API structure, it can generate many helpers - utilities for multitests or even queriers.

Code generation

Since the proof of concept Sylvia grew a lot and generates a lot of utilities. Because of that we decided that since version 0.9.0 all the code generated by Sylvia is going to be placed in the sv module.

Using in contracts

First you need your contract crate, which should be a library crate:

$ cargo new --lib ./my-crate
     Created library `./my-crate` package

To use sylvia in the contract, you need to add couple dependencies - sylvia itself, and additionally: serde, cosmwasm-schema, schemars and cosmwasm_std.

$ cargo add sylvia cosmwasm-schema schemars cosmwasm-std serde

You should also make sure your crate is compiling as cdylib, setting the proper crate type in Cargo.toml. I also like to add rlib there, so it is possible to use the contract as the dependency. Example Cargo.toml:

name = "my-crate"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

cosmwasm-schema = "1.2.5"
cosmwasm-std = "1.2.5"
schemars = "0.8.12"
serde = "1.0.160"
sylvia = "0.5.0"

To build your contract as wasm you can use:

$ cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

Contract type

In Sylvia, we define our contracts as structures:

pub struct MyContract;

The next step is to create an instantiation message for the contract we have:

use sylvia::contract;
use sylvia::types::InstantiateCtx;
use sylvia::cw_std::{StdResult, Response};

impl MyContract {
    pub fn instantiate(&self, _ctx: InstantiateCtx) -> StdResult<Response> {

This immediately creates the InstantiateMessage type in the same module you created a contract struct. It looks like this:

struct InstantiateMsg {}

There are no fields there at this point, but they will be when we need them.

For now, we need this message to create a contract instantiate entry point for CosmWasm. We can achieve it using another macro entry_point

use sylvia::{contract, entry_points;
use sylvia::types::InstantiateCtx;
use sylvia::cw_std::{StdResult, Response};

impl MyContract {
    pub fn instantiate(&self, _ctx: InstantiateCtx) -> StdResult<Response> {

This will generate for us instantiate, execute and query entry points. Inside they will call dispatch on the msg received and run proper logic defined for the sent variant of the message.

pub mod entry_points {
    use super::*;

    pub fn instantiate(
        deps: sylvia::cw_std::DepsMut,
        env: sylvia::cw_std::Env,
        info: sylvia::cw_std::MessageInfo,
        msg: InstantiateMsg,
    ) -> Result<sylvia::cw_std::Response, StdError> {
        msg.dispatch(&MyContract::new(), (deps, env, info))

Now we would like to do something useful in the contract instantiation. Let's start using the cw-storage-plus to add state to the contract (remember to add it as dependency):

use cw_storage_plus::Item;

struct MyContract<'a> {
    pub counter: Item<'a, u64>,

impl MyContract<'_> {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            counter: Item::new("counter")

    pub fn instantiate(&self, ctx: InstantiateCtx) -> StdResult<Response> {, &0)?;


We need to add this generic lifetime because of an optimization in storage plus - it doesn't want to take an owned string, as we often pass there a static string, but it also doesn't want to fix the 'static ownership. 99% of the time, you can get away with passing just 'static as the first Item generic argument, but I find it more convenient to introduce this "proxy" lifetime passing everywhere. I eliminate it in the new constructor, where I create the storage-plus accessors giving them proper keys.

Now let's pass the initial counter state as a function argument:

impl MyContract<'_> {
    pub fn instantiate(&self, ctx: InstantiateCtx, counter: u64) -> StdResult<Response> {, &counter)?;


Sylvia would add the field into the instantiation message, which now becomes this:

struct InstantiateMsg {
    counter: u64,

What is essential - the field in the InstantiateMsg gets the same name as the function argument.

Now let's add an execution message to the contract:

impl MyContract<'_> {
    pub fn increment(&self, ctx: ExecCtx) -> StdResult<Response> {
        let counter = self.counter.load(;, &(counter + 1))?;

Sylvia generated two message types from this:

enum ExecMsg {
    Increment {}

enum ContractExecMsg {

The ExecMsg is the primary one you may use to send messages to the contract. The ContractExecMsg is only an additional abstraction layer that would matter later when we define traits for our contract. Thanks to entry_point macro it is already being used in the generated entry point and we don't have to do it manually.

One problem you might face now is that we use the StdResult for our contract, but we often want to define the custom error type for our contracts - fortunately, it is very easy to do:

use sylvia::cw_std::ensure;

impl MyContract<'_> {
    pub fn increment(&self, ctx: ExecCtx) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        let counter = self.counter.load(;

        ensure!(counter < 10, ContractError::LimitReached);, &(counter + 1))?;

ContractError here is any error type you define for the contract - most typically with the thiserror crate. The error type in an entry points will be updated automatically.

Finally, let's take a look at defining the query message:

use cosmwasm_schema::cw_serde;
use sylvia::types::QueryCtx;

pub struct CounterResp {
    pub counter: u64,

impl MyContract<'_> {
    pub fn counter(&self, ctx: QueryCtx) -> StdResult<CounterResp> {
            .map(|counter| CounterResp { counter })

What you might notice - we can still use StdResult (so StdError) if we don't need ContractError in a particular function. What is important is that the returned result type has to implement Into<ContractError>, where ContractError is a contract error type - it will all be commonized in the generated dispatching function (so entry points have to return ContractError as its error variant).

Messages equivalent to execution messages are generated. Again entry point is already generated like in case of execute and instantiate.


One of the fundamental ideas of Sylvia's framework are interfaces, allowing the grouping of messages into their semantical groups. Let's define a Sylvia interface:

pub mod group {
    use super::*;
    use sylvia::interface;
    use sylvia::types::ExecCtx;
    use sylvia::cw_std::StdError;

    pub struct IsMemberResp {
        pub is_member: bool,

    pub trait Group {
        type Error: From<StdError>;

        fn add_member(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, member: String) -> Result<Response, Self::Error>;

        fn is_member(&self, ctx: QueryCtx, member: String) -> Result<IsMemberResp, Self::Error>;

Then we need to implement the trait on the contract type:

use sylvia::cw_std::{Empty, Addr};
use cw_storage_plus::{Map, Item};

pub struct MyContract<'a> {
    counter: Item<'a, u64>,
    // New field added - remember to initialize it in `new`
    members: Map<'a, &'a Addr, Empty>,

#[messages(group as Group)]
impl group::Group for MyContract<'_> {
    type Error = ContractError;

    fn add_member(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, member: String) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
        let member = ctx.deps.api.addr_validate(&member)?;, &member, &Empty {})?;

    fn is_member(&self, ctx: QueryCtx, member: String) -> Result<group::IsMemberResp, ContractError> {
        let is_member = self.members.has(, &Addr::unchecked(&member));
        let resp = group::IsMemberResp {


#[messages(group as Group)]
impl MyContract<'_> {
    // Nothing changed here

Here are a couple of things to talk about.

First, note that I defined the interface trait in its separate module with a name matching the trait name, but written "snake_case" instead of CamelCase. Here I have group module for the Group trait, but the CrossStaking trait should be placed in its own cross_staking module (note the underscore). This is a requirement right now - Sylvia generates all the messages and boilerplate in this module and will try to access them through this module.

Then there is the Error type embedded in the trait - it is also needed there, and the trait bound here has to be at least From<StdError>, as Sylvia might generate code returning an StdError in deserialization/dispatching implementation. The trait can be more strict - this is the minimum.

Another thing to remember is that the #[msg(...)] attributes become part of the function signature - they must be the same for the trait and later implementation.

Finally, every implementation block has an additional #[messages(module as Identifier)] attribute. Sylvia needs it to generate the dispatching properly - there is the limitation that every macro has access only to its local scope. In particular - we cannot see all traits implemented by a type and their implementation from the #[contract] crate.

To solve this issue, we put this #[messages(...)] attribute pointing to Sylvia what is the module name where the interface is defined, and giving a unique name for this interface (it would be used in generated code to provide proper enum variant).

The impl-block with trait implementation also contains the #[messages] attribute, but only one - the one with info about the trait being implemented.

Macro attributes

Sylvia works with multiple attributes. I will explain here how and when to use which of them.

impl Interface for MyContract {

module is meant to be used when implementing interface on the contract. Its purpose is to inform sylvia where is the contract defined. If the contract is implemented in the same scope this attribute can and should be omitted.

impl MyContract {

error is used by both contract and entry_point macros. It is necessary in case a custom error is being used by your contract. If omitted generated code will use StdError.

#[messages(interface as Interface)]
impl MyContract {

#[messages(interface as Interface)]
impl Interface for MyContract {

messages is the attribute for the contract macro. We can use it both when implementing contract and when implementing an interface on a contract. Its purpose is to point sylvia to what interface is being implemented and how module in which it is defined is called.

In case of the implementation of a trait it is only needed if the trait is defined in different module. Otherwise it should be omitted. For the contract implementation it is mandatory for the functionality of an implemented trait to be part of a contract logic. For the interface implementation there should be at most one messages attribute used. In case of the contract implementation there can be multiple messages attributes used.

sv::override_entry_point - refer to Override entry points section.

struct MyMsg;
impl CustomMsg for MyMsg {}

struct MyQuery;
impl CustomQuery for MyMsg {}

#[sv::custom(msg=MyMsg, query=MyQuery)]
impl MyContract {

sv::custom allows to define CustomMsg and CustomQuery for the contract. By default generated code will return Response<Empty> and will use Deps<Empty> and DepsMut<Empty>.

Single module per macro

Generated items and namespaces may overlap and it is suggested to split all macro calls into separate modules. This could also improve the project readability as it would end up split between semantical parts and save maintainers from possible adjustment in case of new features being introduced in the future.

Usage in external crates

What is important is the possibility of using generated code in the external code. First, let's start with generating the documentation of the crate:

cargo doc --document-private-items --open

This generates and opens documentation of the crate, including all generated structures. --document-private-item is optional, but it will generate documentation of not-public modules which is sometimes useful.

Going through the doc, you will see that all messages are generated in their structs/traits modules. To send messages to the contract, we can just use them:

use sylvia::cw_std::{WasmMsg, to_json_binary};

fn some_handler(my_contract_addr: String) -> StdResult<Response> {
    let msg = my_contract_crate::ExecMsg::Increment {};
    let msg = WasmMsg::ExecMsg {
        contract_addr: my_contract_addr,
        msg: to_json_binary(&msg)?,
        funds: vec![],

    let resp = Response::new()

We can use messages from traits in a similar way:

let msg = my_contract_crate::group::QueryMsg::IsMember {
    member: addr,

let is_member: my_contract_crate::group::IsMemberResp =
    deps.querier.query_wasm_smart(my_contract_addr, &msg)?;

It is important not to confuse the generated ContractExecMsg/ContractQueryMsg with ExecMsg/QueryMsg - the former is generated only for contract, not for interfaces, and is not meant to use to send messages to the contract - their purpose is for proper messages dispatching only, and should not be used besides the entry points.

Query helpers

To make querying more user friendly Sylvia generates BoundQuerier and Remote helpers. The latter is meant to store the address of some remote contract. It's generated implementation looks like this:

#[derive(sylvia::serde::Serialize, sylvia::serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Remote<'a>(std::borrow::Cow<'a, sylvia::cw_std::Addr>);

impl Remote<'_> {
    pub fn querier<'a, C: sylvia::cw_std::CustomQuery>(
        &'a self,
        querier: &'a sylvia::cw_std::QuerierWrapper<'a, C>,
    ) -> BoundQuerier<'a, C> {
        BoundQuerier {
            contract: &self.0,

It has a single method implemented called querier which returns the BoundQuerier for the stored address.

pub struct BoundQuerier<'a, C: sylvia::cw_std::CustomQuery> {
    contract: &'a sylvia::cw_std::Addr,
    querier: &'a sylvia::cw_std::QuerierWrapper<'a, C>,

impl<'a, C: sylvia::cw_std::CustomQuery> Querier for BoundQuerier<'a, C> {
    fn counter(&self) -> Result<CounterResp, sylvia::cw_std::StdError> {
        let query = QueryMsg::counter();
        self.querier.query_wasm_smart(self.contract, &query)

pub trait Querier {
    fn counter(&self) -> Result<CounterResp, sylvia::cw_std::StdError>;

For each query method in the contract Sylvia will implement via generated Querier trait method for more user friendly querying.

Let's modify the query from the previous paragraph. Currently it will look as follows:

let is_member = Remote::new(remote_addr)

Your contract might be implemented such it will be communicating with some other contract regularly. In such case you might want to store it as a field in your Contract:

pub struct MyContract<'a> {
    counter: Item<'a, u64>,
    members: Map<'a, &'a Addr, Empty>,
    // Added
    remote: Item<'a, Remote<'static>>,

pub fn evaluate_member(&self, ctx: ExecCtx, ...) -> StdResult<Response> {
    let is_member = self

Remote and BoundQuerier types are also generated for the interfaces and you can use them too. Also using the implemented From trait you can convert from contract::BoundQuerier to interface::BoundQuerier.

let remote = self.remote.load(;
let querier = remote.querier(&ctx.deps.querier);
let other_count = BoundQuerier::from(&querier).count()?.count;

Using not implemented entry points

Sylvia is not yet implementing all the possible CosmWasm entry points, and even when it will - it might happen that some will be added in the future, and Sylvia would not align immediately. Hopefully, you can always use traditional entry points for anything which is not implemented - for example, IBC calls. As an example, let's see how to implement replies for messages:

use sylvia::cw_std::{DepsMut, Env, Reply, Response};

#[messages(group as Group)]
impl MyContract<'_> {
    fn reply(&self, deps: DepsMut, env: Env, reply: Reply) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
    // Some items defined previously

fn reply(deps: DepsMut, env: Env, reply: Reply) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
    &MyContract::new().reply(deps, env, reply)

It is important to create an entry function in the contract type - this way, it gains access to all the state accessors defined on the type.

Overriding entry points

If above approach is not working for you because f.e. you want to use sudo entry point and generated multitest helpers don't yet support it and you are unable to test your contract or you prefer to use some custom defined entry point it is possible to override the entry point on the contract.

Let's consider following code:

pub enum UserExecMsg {
    IncreaseByOne {},

pub fn increase_by_one(ctx: ExecCtx) -> StdResult<Response> {
    crate::COUNTER.update(, |count| -> Result<u32, StdError> {
        Ok(count + 1)

pub enum CustomExecMsg {

impl CustomExecMsg {
    pub fn dispatch(self, ctx: (DepsMut, Env, MessageInfo)) -> StdResult<Response> {
        match self {
            CustomExecMsg::ContractExec(msg) => {
                msg.dispatch(&crate::contract::Contract::new(), ctx)
            CustomExecMsg::CustomExec(_) => increase_by_one(ctx.into()),

pub fn execute(
    deps: DepsMut,
    env: Env,
    info: MessageInfo,
    msg: CustomExecMsg,
) -> StdResult<Response> {
    msg.dispatch((deps, env, info))

It is possible to define some custom exec message which will dispatch over one generated by your Contract and one defined by you. To use this custom entry point with contract macro you can add the sv::override_entry_point(...) attribute.

impl Contract {

It is possible to override all message types like that. Next to the entry point path you will also have to provide the type of your custom message. It is required to deserialize the message in the multitest helpers.


Sylvia also generates some helpers for testing contracts - it is hidden behind the mt feature flag, which has to be enabled.

It is important to ensure no mt flag is set when the contract is built in wasm target because of some dependencies it uses, which are not buildable on Wasm. My recommendation is to add an additional sylvia entry with mt enabled in the dev-dependencies, and also add the mt feature on your contract, which enables mt utilities in other contract tests. An example Cargo.toml:

name = "my-contract"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]

library = []
mt = ["sylvia/mt"]

cosmwasm-schema = "1.2.5"
cosmwasm-std = "1.2.5"
cw-storage-plus = "1.0.1"
schemars = "0.8.12"
serde = "1.0.160"
sylvia = "0.5.0"
thiserror = "1.0.40"

sylvia = { path = "0.5.0", features = ["mt"] }

There would obviously be more dependencies - most probably cw-storage-plus, but this is just to show how I enable the mt flag. With that, we can use mt utils in the contract:

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use sylvia::multitest::App;

    fn counter_test() {
        let app = App::default();

        let owner = "owner";

        let code_id = contract::CodeId::store_code(&app);

        let contract = code_id.instantiate(3)
            .with_label("My contract")

        let counter = contract.counter().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(counter, contract::CounterResp { counter: 3});


        let counter = contract.counter().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(counter, contract::CounterResp { counter: 4});

First of all, note the contract module I am using here - it is a slight change that doesn't match the previous code - I assume here that all the contract code sits in the contract module to make sure it is clear where the used type lies. So if I use contract::something, it is something in the module of the original contract (most probably sylvia-generated).

First of all - we do not use cw-multi-test app directly. Instead we use the sylvia wrapper over it. It contains the original multi-test App internally, but it does it in an internally-mutable manner which makes it possible to avoid passing it everywhere around. It adds some overhead, but it should not matter for testing code.

We are first using the CodeId type generated for every single Sylvia contract separately. Its purpose is to abstract storing the contract in the blockchain. It makes sure to create the contract object and pass it to the multitest.

A contract's CodeId type has one particularly interesting function - the instantiate, which calls an instantiation function. It takes the same arguments as an instantiation function in the contract, except for the context that Sylvia's utilities would provide.

The function doesn't instantiate contract immediately - instead, it returns what is called InstantiationProxy. We decided that we don't want to force users to set all the metadata - admin, label, and funds to send with every instantiation call, as in the vast majority of cases, they are irrelevant. Instead, the InstantiationProxy provides with_label, with_funds, and with_amin functions, which set those meta fields in the builder pattern style.

When the instantiation is ready, we call the call function, passing the message sender - we could add another with_sender function, but we decided that as the sender has to be passed every single time, we can save some keystrokes on that.

The thing is similar when it comes to execution messages. The biggest difference is that we don't call it on the CodeId, but on instantiated contracts instead. We also have fewer fields to set on that - the proxy for execution provides only the with_funds function.

All the instantiation and execution functions return the Result<cw_multi_test::AppResponse, ContractError> type, where ContractError is an error type of the contract.

Interface items in multitest

Because of implementation restrictions, calling methods from the contract interface look slightly different:

use contract::multitest_utils::Group;

fn member_test() {
    let app = App::default();

    let owner = "owner";
    let member = "john";

    let code_id = contract::multitest_utils::CodeId::store_code(&app);

    let contract = code_id.instantiate(0)
        .with_label("My contract")


    let resp = contract

    assert_eq!(resp, group::IsMemberResp { is_member: true });

Note an additional group_proxy() call for executions and queries - it returns an extra proxy wrapper that would send the messages from a particular interface. I also had to add trait with group-related methods - it is named in the same way as the original Group trait, but lies in multitest_utils module of the contract.

CustomQuery and CustomMsg

Interfaces can be defined to work with some CustomQuery/CustomMsg. Having some messages defined as below:

struct MyMsg;
impl CustomMsg for MyMsg {}

struct MyQuery;
impl CustomQuery for MyMsg {}

we can either make the interface to work only with specified message type via sv::custom(..) like:

#[sv::custom(query=MyQuery, msg=MyMsg)]
pub trait SomeInterface {

#[sv::custom(msg=MyMsg, query=MyQuery)]
impl SomeInterface for crate::MyContract {

or to allow users of this interface to choose with which message type it should be used. In such case you can define ExecC and QueryC associated type in the interface.

With interface defined as such:

pub trait AssociatedInterface {
    type Error: From<StdError>;
    type ExecC: CustomMsg;
    type QueryC: CustomQuery;

impl AssociatedInterface for crate::MyContract {
    type Error = StdError;
    type ExecC = MyMsg;
    type QueryC = MyQuery;

    fn associated_exec(&self, _ctx: ExecCtx<Self::QueryC>) -> StdResult<Response<Self::ExecC>> {

In case both associated type and sv::custom() attribute are defined sv::custom() will be used to determine CustomMsg and/or CustomQuery.


Since 0.9.0 we can use generics next to the sylvia macros. It is possible to define both generic contract and generic interface.

Generic interface

Defining generic interface is as simple as defining a generic trait.

pub trait Generic<ExecParam, QueryParam, RetType>
    for<'msg_de> ExecParam: CustomMsg + Deserialize<'msg_de>,
    QueryParam: sylvia::types::CustomMsg,
    RetType: CustomMsg + DeserializeOwned,
    type Error: From<StdError>;

    fn generic_exec(
        ctx: ExecCtx,
        msgs: Vec<CosmosMsg<ExecParam>>,
    ) -> Result<Response, Self::Error>;

    fn generic_query(&self, ctx: QueryCtx, param: QueryParam) -> Result<RetType, Self::Error>;

We can also use generics with custom. In such case we have to provide the generic type name to the sv::custom(..) attribute.

pub trait CustomAndGeneric<ExecParam, QueryParam, RetType>
    for<'msg_de> ExecParam: CustomMsg + Deserialize<'msg_de>,
    QueryParam: sylvia::types::CustomMsg,
    RetType: CustomMsg + DeserializeOwned,
    type Error: From<StdError>;

    fn custom_generic_execute(
        ctx: ExecCtx,
        msgs: Vec<CosmosMsg<ExecParam>>,
    ) -> Result<Response<RetType>, Self::Error>;

    fn custom_generic_query(
        ctx: QueryCtx,
        param: QueryParam,
    ) -> Result<RetType, Self::Error>;

Generic contract

Generics in contract might be both used as generic field types or as generic parameters or return types in the messages. The mechanism for generation of messages here is the same as in case of the interfaces. Only generics used in respective methods will be part of generated messages.

pub struct GenericContract<
> {
    _field: Item<'static, FieldType>,
    _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData<(

impl<InstantiateParam, ExecParam, FieldType>
    GenericContract<InstantiateParam, ExecParam, FieldType>
    for<'msg_de> InstantiateParam: CustomMsg + Deserialize<'msg_de> + 'msg_de,
    ExecParam: CustomMsg + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
    FieldType: 'static,
    pub const fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            _field: Item::new("field"),
            _phantom: std::marker::PhantomData,

    pub fn instantiate(
        _ctx: InstantiateCtx,
        _msg: InstantiateParam,
    ) -> StdResult<Response> {

    pub fn contract_execute(
        _ctx: ExecCtx,
        _msg: ExecParam,
    ) -> StdResult<Response> {

Implement interface

To implement generic interface we have to provide solid types for the interface generics. No additional attributes are required.

#[contract(module = crate::contract)]
#[messages(generic as Generic)]
impl<InstantiateParam, ExecParam, FieldType>
    Generic<SvCustomMsg, SvCustomMsg, sylvia::types::SvCustomMsg>
    for crate::contract::GenericContract<
    type Error = StdError;

    fn generic_exec(
        _ctx: ExecCtx,
        _msgs: Vec<CosmosMsg<sylvia::types::SvCustomMsg>>,
    ) -> StdResult<Response> {

    fn generic_query(
        _ctx: QueryCtx,
        _msg: sylvia::types::SvCustomMsg,
    ) -> StdResult<SvCustomMsg> {
        Ok(SvCustomMsg {})

Then we have to inform sylvia about the generics used while implementing interface in the main contract macro call:

#[messages(generic<SvCustomMsg, SvCustomMsg, sylvia::types::SvCustomMsg> as Generic)]
impl<InstantiateParam, ExecParam, FieldType>
    GenericContract<InstantiateParam, ExecParam, FieldType>
    for<'msg_de> InstantiateParam: CustomMsg + Deserialize<'msg_de> + 'msg_de,
    ExecParam: CustomMsg + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
    FieldType: 'static,

Generics in entry_points

Entry points has to be generated with solid types. Using the entry_points macro on the generic contract we have to specify the types that has to be used. We do that by via entry_points(generics<..>):

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "library"), entry_points(generics<SvCustomMsg, SvCustomMsg, SvCustomMsg>))]
impl<InstantiateParam, ExecParam, FieldType>
    GenericContract<InstantiateParam, ExecParam, FieldType>
    for<'msg_de> InstantiateParam: CustomMsg + Deserialize<'msg_de> + 'msg_de,
    ExecParam: CustomMsg + DeserializeOwned + 'static,
    FieldType: 'static,

Generating schema

Sylvia is designed to generate all the code which cosmwasm-schema relies on - this makes it very easy to generate schema for the contract. Just add a bin/ module, which would be recognized as a binary, and add a simple main function there:

use cosmwasm_schema::write_api;

use my_contract_crate::contract::{ContractExecMsg, ContractQueryMsg, InstantiateMsg};

fn main() {
    write_api! {
        instantiate: InstantiateMsg,
        execute: ContractExecMsg,
        query: ContractQueryMsg,

Road map

Sylvia is in the adoption stage right now, but we are still working on more and more features for you. Here is a rough roadmap for the incoming months:

  • Sudo support - Although you can define your own sudo entry point it is currently not supported in generated multitest helpers.
  • Replies - Sylvia still needs support for essential CosmWasm messages, which are replies. We want to make them smart, so expressing the correlation between send message end executed handler is more direct and not hidden in the reply dispatcher.
  • Migrations - Another important message we don't support, but the reason is similar to replies - we want them to be smart. We want to give you a nice way to provide upgrading Api for your contract, which would take care of its versioning.
  • IBC - we want to give you a nice IBC Api too! However, expect it to be a while - we must first understand the best patterns here.
  • Better tooling support - The biggest issue of Sylvia is that code it generates is not trivial, and not all the tooling handles it well. We are working on improving user experience in that regard.


For more descriptive error messages, consider using the nightly toolchain (add +nightly argument for cargo)

  • Missing messages from interface on your contract - You may be missing messages(interface as Interface) attribute.
  • Cannot find type BoundQuerier - your Contract is defined in different module than current one. Your impl Interface for Contract should have the #[contract(module=path::to::Contract)] invocation.


CosmWasm smart contract framework







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