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Nuno Fachada edited this page May 1, 2019 · 11 revisions

Unit tests

Unit tests for the cf4ocl functions and macros are implemented using the GLib testing framework.

After building cf4ocl from source a number of test executables are placed in the tests/lib folder within the build directory. These executables can be invoked directly one by one, or can be invoked simultaneously using the gtester tool, e.g.:

$ gtester -k ./tests/lib/test_*

The -k switch orders gtester to keep running tests even if a test fails. The tests are exaustive and have uncovered a number of bugs in several OpenCL implementations.

Since many OpenCL implementations report a large number of memory leaks, it can become difficult to detect leaks in cf4ocl. For this purpose, most tests can be executed against the provided OpenCL stub. This stub provides one platform with four devices, and implements most of the functionality of a real OpenCL implementation, with the notable exception of actually compiling and executing kernels. Most importantly, the stub allocates and deallocates memory as expected, for example when creating and destroying a context with the clCreateContext() and clReleaseContext() functions, respectively. The TESTS_USE_OPENCL_STUB option in the CMake build configuration defines whether the tests are compiled against the stub or against the configured OpenCL ICD/implementation.

The default device to be used in most tests is defined with the TESTS_DEVICE_INDEX build option. This definition can be overridden with the CCL_TEST_DEVICE_INDEX environment variable. For example, the following command runs the tests against device #2:

$ CCL_TEST_DEVICE_INDEX=2 gtester -k ./tests/lib/test_*

The index of all devices present in the system can be determined with the ccl_devinfo utility:

./src/utils/ccl_devinfo -o

Examples and utilities tests

Tests for the command-line utilities, ccl_c and ccl_devinfo, as well as tests for the provided examples, are implemented with the bats testing framework.

After building cf4ocl from source the test scripts for the cf4ocl examples and utilities are placed within the build directory in the tests/examples and tests/utils folders, respectively. The tests are invoked with the bats command:

$ bats ./tests/examples ./tests/utils

The main device used for the examples and utilities tests is specified in the same manner as in the unit tests, i.e., either in the build configuration and/or as an environment variable. For example, the following command runs the utilities tests against device #2:

$ CCL_TEST_DEVICE_INDEX=2 bats ./tests/utils

On Windows, within the MSYS2 shell, the bats command may have to be invoked as /usr/local/libexec/bats.

Running all tests for all devices available in the system

After building cf4ocl from source, the is placed in the tests folder within the build directory. This script runs the library, examples and utilities tests for all OpenCL devices available in the system.

Flags and environment variables for debugging

Since cf4ocl heavily relies on glib, the associated debugging techniques can also be used for debugging cf4ocl applications. For example, setting the log domain to cf4ocl2 will cause cf4ocl functions to print debug messages. These messages allow, in case of errors, to obtain the full stack trace of the error. The following command executes the canon example with cf4ocl log messages turned on:

G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=cf4ocl2 ./src/examples/canon

Log messages are more detailed if cf4ocl is built in "Debug" mode, an option which can be specified in the CMake build configuration. In this mode, another debugging option, DEBUG_OBJ_LIFETIME, is made available in the build configuration. If this option is set to ON, the referencing and dereferencing of all cf4ocl wrapper objects is logged in the debug stream, which is useful for tracking possible memory leaks.

The library tests have a specific log domain, ccl-tests, which can be set alternatively or in combination with the cf4ocl2 domain. For example:

$ G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=cf4ocl2,ccl-tests gtester -k ./tests/lib/test_*