Example applications for IndoorAtlas Android SDK
To run examples you need to configure your IndoorAtlas API keys. If you do not have keys yet, go to https://developer.indooratlas.com and sign up.
Once you have API keys, edit them into gradle.properties
in the project root level.
For more info visit our documentation site: http://docs.indooratlas.com.
This app contains a number of small examples:
This is the hello world of IndoorAtlas SDK. Displays received location updates as log entries.
Automatically downloads the floor plan that user has entered and displays it using Dave Morrissey's https://github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view. This is a great library for handling large images!
This is the hello world of IndoorAtlas SDK + Google Map. Shows received locations on world map. Does not retrieve floor plans.
Just like Google Maps - Basic but demonstrates how to place floor plan on world map by coordinates.