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Dynolog is a telemetry daemon for performance monitoring and tracing. It exports metrics from different components in the system like the linux kernel, CPU, disks, Intel PT, GPUs etc. Dynolog also integrates with pytorch and can trigger traces for distributed training applications.


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Dynolog: a performance monitoring daemon for heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems

License DynologCI


Dynolog is a lightweight monitoring daemon for heterogeneous CPU-GPU systems. It supports both always-on performance monitoring, as well as deep-dive profiling modes. The latter can be activated by making a remote procedure call to the daemon.

Below are some of the key features, which we will explore in more detail later in this Readme.

  • Dynolog integrates with the PyTorch Profiler and provides on-demand remote tracing features. One can use a single command line tool (dyno CLI) to simultaneously trace hundreds of GPUs and examine the collected traces (available from PyTorch v1.13.0 onwards).
  • It incorporates GPU performance monitoring for NVIDIA GPUs using DCGM.
  • Dynolog manages counters for micro-architecture specific performance events related to CPU Cache, TLBs etc on Intel and AMD CPUs. Additionally, it instruments telemetry from the Linux kernel including CPU, network and IO resource usage.
  • We are actively implementing new features, including support for Intel Processor Trace as well as memory latency and bandwidth monitoring.

We focus on Linux platforms as it is leveraged heavily in cloud environments.


Large scale AI models use distributed AI training across multiple compute nodes. They also leverage hardware accelerators like GPUs to boost performance. One has to carefully optimize their AI applications to make the most of the underlying hardware while avoiding performance bottlenecks. This is where great performance monitoring and profiling tools become indispensable.

While there are existing solutions for monitoring (1, 2) and profiling CPUs (Intel’s VTune) and GPUs (NSight); it is challenging to assemble them together to get a holistic view of the system. For example, we need to understand whether an inefficiency on one resource like the communication fabric is slowing down the overall computation. Additionally, these solutions need to work in a production enviroment without causing performance degradation.

Dynolog leverages the underlying monitoring and profiling interfaces from the Linux kernel, CPU Performance Monitoring Units (PMUs) and GPUs. It also interacts with the pytorch profiler within the application to support on-demand profiling. In this way, it helps identify bottlenecks at various points in the system.

Supported Metrics

Dynolog’s always-on or continuous monitoring supports the following class of metrics:

  1. System/kernel metrics.
  2. CPU Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) metrics using linux perf_event.
  3. NVIDIA GPU metrics from DCGM if enabled.

Detailed list of covered metrics are provided in docs/

Building dynolog

Dynolog consists of two binaries - 1) dynolog server and 2) dyno command line tool. To build from source please check out the project and initialize submodules.

git clone
git submodule update --init


This project mainly depends on C++17 and Rust compiler tool chains. Other dependencies include cmake and the ninja build system. We have tested dynolog works with the following versions of C++ and Rust toolchains

Language Toolchain
C++ gcc 8.5.0+
Rust Rust 1.58.1 (1.56+ required for clap dependency)

Based on your system you could use one of the following instructions:


Install cmake, ninja, and cargo (for Rust).

sudo dnf install cmake ninja cargo

Alternatively, you can install rust using the script provided here.

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


Install cmake and ninja

sudo apt-get install -y cmake ninja-build

Install rust using this script provided here.


In case of no root access you can install these dependencies in a conda environment as well. A few features may not work without root access (we will document more details soon).

conda install cmake ninja
conda install -c conda-forge "rust=1.64.0"

GPU Monitoring

For NVIDIA GPUs (currently the only ones supported) you can install DCGM as described in GPU monitoring section below.


Please use the build script, this should generate files in ./build relative to your project root. The script will print the path to the server and client.


Note that the build system for Rust will need an internet connection for the first time.


Running dynolog

The Dynolog server can runs as adaemon. The command line client tool will communicate with the daemon on the local or remote system. One method to spin up dynolog is to use systemd; this is explained in the Deploying using a Package Manager section. Alternatively you can run it directly on a shell -


We can then check the daemon's status using the command line tool -

./build/release/dyno status
response length = 12
response = {"status":1}

Server Command Line options

The dynolog server provides multiple flags, we list the key ones here. Please run dynolog --help for more info.

  • --port (default = 1778) - the port used to setup a service for remote queries.
  • --reporting_interval_s (default=60) - the reporting interval for metrics. Please see the Logging section for more details.
  • --enable_ipc_monitor sets up inter-process communication endpoint. This can be used to talk to applications like pytorch trainers.

Using a package manager and systemd

The preferred method to run dynolog is by deploying a package - either RPM or debian. Please see scripts/ for instructions on how to build dynolog packages.

We use systemd to handle executing the daemon; you can find the systemd unit file in the scripts/ directory. Use the following command to start dynolog.

sudo systemctl start dynolog

Also note:

  • Dynolog will pick up gflags from /etc/dynolog.gflags if the file is present.
  • Output logs will be written to /var/logs/dynolog.log.

Here is an example of output in the log file-

$> tail /var/log/dynolog.log
I20220721 23:42:34.141083 3632432 Logger.cpp:37] Logging : 12 values
I20220721 23:42:34.141104 3632432 Logger.cpp:38] time = 2022-07-21T23:42:34.141Z data = {"cpu_i":"71.342"

Collecting pytorch/GPU traces

To enable pytorch profiling we need to configure dynolog to enable IPC aka inter process communication module. Add the flag --enable_ipcmonitor. In case you are running it as a systemd daemon please run -

echo "--enable_ipc_monitor" | sudo tee -a /etc/dynolog.gflags
sudo systemctl restart dynolog

You need to use a compatible version of pytorch v1.13.0. Run the pytorch application and call dyno cli tool

dyno gputrace --pids <pid of process> --log_file <output file path>

Dyno can also 1) capture traces on remote nodes, 2) coordinate tracing across a distributed training job (with slurm job scheduler). Please see the recipe in docs/ for a detailed walkthrough of this feature.

Performance Monitoring

Dynolog currently supports collection of performance counters. We are enabling instructions and cycles as the first set of counters to onboard, referred as mips (millions of instructions per second) and mega_instructions_per_second. See docs/ for more details.

The following flags are relevant to performance monitoring:

  • --enable_perf_monitor (default=false): enable performance monitoring.
  • --perf_monitor_reporting_interval_s (default=60): set the reporting interval of performance metrics in seconds.

By default, performance monitoring is disabled and the reporting interval is 60s.

Sample logs emitted using JSON_logger:

I20221208 15:28:34.730270 3345417 Logger.cpp:55] Logging : 2 values
I20221208 15:28:34.730316 3345417 Logger.cpp:56] time = 1969-12-31T16:00:00.000Z data = {"mega_cycles_per_second":"735.696","mips":"691.497"}
I20221208 15:29:34.731652 3345417 Logger.cpp:55] Logging : 2 values
I20221208 15:29:34.731690 3345417 Logger.cpp:56] time = 1969-12-31T16:00:00.000Z data = {"mega_cycles_per_second":"514.156","mips":"479.397"}

GPU Monitoring

Dynolog uses NVIDIA Datacenter GPU Manager DCGM to monitor NVIDIA GPUs today. DCGM supports GPU models from Kepler/Volta V100 onwards, please see [this page]( for details. Currently Dynolog dynamically supports both DCGM 2.x and DCGM 3.x based on the version of the shared library

Prerequisite: Install DCGM on your system following the instructions here. After the installation please make sure to initialize the dcgm service using -

sudo systemctl --now enable nvidia-dcgm

To run dynolog with GPU monitoring you can add/tweak these flags

  • --enable_gpu_monitor : enable GPU monitoring using DCGM.
  • --dcgm_lib_path (default=/lib64/ the path to DCGM shared library If the default path does not exist please adjust it.
  • --dcgm_fields (default=”100,155,204,1001,1002,1003,1004,1005,1006,1007,1008,1009,1010,1011,1012”): comma separated string of DCGM field ids to monitor, please see Nvidia headers for field definitions
  • --dcgm_report_interval_s (default=10): the interval between each DCGM counter update in second. Please note when this value is too small DCGM may start multiplexing the counters and potentially affect counter accuracy.
echo "--enable_gpu_monitor" | sudo tee -a /etc/dynolog.gflags
sudo systemctl restart dynolog


By default dynolog will save monitoring metrics to the std output -

I20220721 23:42:34.141104 3632432 Logger.cpp:38] time = 2022-07-21T23:42:34.141Z data = {"cpu_i":"71.342" ...

Dynolog includes an abstract Logger class that can be specialized for different logging destinations. Currently, Dynolog support logging to Meta ODS datastore, and Meta Scuba data system, instructions can be found in docs/ and docs/ Dynolog team is happy to support new loggers.


The current 0.1.0 release supports the following-

  • CPU utilization and network utilization metrics.
  • GPU performance monitoring for NVIDIA GPUs using DCGM 2.x and 3.x.
  • Capability to interface with pytorch profiler and support remote on-demand tracing.
  • CPU performance counters (PMUs) are still a work in progress at this point.

In the next and near term release we plan to add

  • Disk usage metrics like storage size and IO operations per second.
  • Basic CPU PMU events for Intel and AMD CPUs.
  • Memory latency and bandwidth monitoring per socket for Intel and AMD CPUs.

At some future point we would also like to add -

  • Capability to collect CPU traces using Intel Processor Trace.
  • Open telemetry support for logging.
  • Supporting more accelerator/GPU hardware typess.

Contact Us

Dynolog is actively maintained by Meta engineers: Brian Coutinho, Zachary Jones, Hao Wang, William Sumendap, Jakob Johnson,Alston Tang, Walter Erquinigo,David Carrillo Cisneros. We would also like to thank various contributors to the dynolog project internally- Sam Crossley, Jayesh Lahori, Matt Skach, Darshan Sanghani, Lucas Molander, Parth Malani, Jason Taylor - this is by no means an exhaustive list. Special thanks to Herman Chin, Victor Henriquez, Anupam Bhatnagar, Caleb Ho, Aaron Shi, Jay Chae, Song Liu, Susan Zhang, Geeta Chauhan and Gisle Dankel for supporting this initiative

Join the dynolog community

See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.


Dynolog is licensed under the MIT License.


Dynolog is a telemetry daemon for performance monitoring and tracing. It exports metrics from different components in the system like the linux kernel, CPU, disks, Intel PT, GPUs etc. Dynolog also integrates with pytorch and can trigger traces for distributed training applications.







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  • C++ 96.8%
  • C 2.6%
  • Other 0.6%