Hey there! I am Nathan Petersen, an engineer and tinkerer.
In 2024, I got a PhD in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in the USA, working on advanced electric motor co-design to improve control algorithm performance. ⚡🧲🔋🔌
Now, I work at Motibera, a startup I formed to commercialize bearing-assist motor and drive technology for commerical and industrial applications. 🚀 Feel free to reach out if you want to learn more - [email protected].
During grad school, I was very involved in open-source projects managed by my PhD advisor.
I was the lead architect, engineer, developer, and maintainer for the Advanced Motor Drive Controller (AMDC) platform: docs.amdc.dev. After graduating, the platform lives on, supported by several research universities and currently used in lab courses at UW-Madison.
I run a blog where I document projects I work on and other fun things. Check it out for the latest on what I have been up to: nathanpetersen.com