表情包来自 Blob.cat 实例。
Emojis copied from Blob.cat.
在 waline评论系统中使用
将以下链接添加到 emoji 选项中
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/norevi/[email protected]/blobs-gif
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/norevi/[email protected]/blobs-png
见 waline issue :自定义表情无法正常显示 #265
- 如果用的是safari,可能会出现“Failed to load resource: Load cannot follow more than 20 redirections”报错,建议换个浏览器看看能不能显示
https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/norevi/[email protected]/blobs
These blobs/emoji were sourced from https://blobs.gg under the same Apache License used for this website and repository.
Just link the relevant emoji (i.e. https://emoj.ml/blobheart.png). I'm still working on making this easier.
You can download everything on this site from the GitHub repo
Dynamically updated by a GitHub Action