A collection of games developped using SDL2 and C++. This is a way for me to learn and test SDL capabilities. Each folder contains an independent game which is eithr a replica of existing game or an inspiration of my own.
For more detailed information, refer to the corresponding folder since each game has its own structure and build logic.
The programs were developped on Linux, however, it is supposed to work across other plateforms since SDL is portable. And I use cmake as building solution. Refer to individual readme for details.
- Tetris
- DinoSho
This is pramerily some of my learning projects. My original goal was to learn SDL and some game programming concepts. So those porjects may subject to help others to learn or to test some similar ideas.
Plus, I found it might be used as some materials for machine learning applications or research (eg. reinforcement learning) as well.
You are
Distributed under the MIT License.