This is a repository for the paper "log-RRIM: Yield Prediction via Local-to-global Reaction Representation Learning and Interaction Modeling".
The raw datasets of USPTO500MT and Buchwald-Hartwig are provided in the folder 'Data'. The Data processing step filters out reactions without identifiable reaction centers.
The sample code of this step is provided in the file USPTO_data_process.ipynb
. And the filtered datasets are also provided, Buchwald-Hartwig: BH_processed.csv
, USPTO500MT: USPTO500MT_train_processed_100.csv
, USPTO500MT_valid_processed_100.csv
, USPTO500MT_test_processed_100.csv
, sampled_CJHIF: sample_test_CJ_processed_final_5w_wo0.csv
This step generates the reactant, reagent, and product features needed for log-RRIM. The sample code is USPTO_features_process.ipynb
. Each dataset's generated reactant, reagent, and product features are also provided in the repository.
In scripts, test_BH.pbs
and test_USPTO.pbs
contain the commands to train and test the log-RRIM on different datasets use the basic atom features or the learned atom features, which is controlled by parameter '--use_pretrain 0'.
The comparison and the analyses between log-RRIM and T5chem can be found in the folder results_analysis
Important python packages and their versions in our station are listed below:
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