POTFUL Plant cO-expression Transcription Factor regULators
A major requirement for POTFUL
. The user must first install RUST on the OS of their choice.
Linux, WSL2 and mac OS
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
Windows 11/10
run [vs_BuildTools.exe](https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vs_BuildTools.exe) # `Microsoft C++ Build Tools`
run rustup-init.exe[https://win.rustup.rs/]
You can learn a lot more at The Cargo Book.
Fedora (36<) and Ubuntu (22<) and WSL2 POTFUL.yml
conda env create -n POTFUL --file POTFUL.yml
Mac OS POTFUL_macPy39.yml
conda env create -n POTFUL --file POTFUL_macPy39.yml
Windows 11/10 POTFUL_WinPy39.yml
conda env create -n POTFUL --file POTFUL_WinPy39.yml
Fork the POTFUL git repository and clone or download.
git clone https://github.com/<User Name>/POTFUL.git
POTFUL was originally written by Nilesh Kumar.
We thank the following people for their extensive assistance in the development of this pipeline:
We would also like to thank the following people and groups for their support, including financial support:
Dr. Shahid Mukhtar Dept. of Biology University of Alabama at Birmingham