- Lyon
- @nik0phil
Update projects started from a template with the latest changes made to the template
Template introduction, check out: https://www.strangebuzz.com/en/blog/introducing-the-microsymfony-application-template
Assertions and helpers for testing your symfony/messenger queues.
Callable wrapper to validate and inject arguments.
A fluent interface for your Symfony functional tests.
Standalone, lightweight, framework agnostic, test assertion library.
A small library for converting tokenized PHP source code into XML (and potentially other formats)
Allows exporting any serializable PHP data structure to plain PHP code
Provides an object-oriented API to generate and represent UIDs
A set of translation abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
Provides an object-oriented API to strings and deals with bytes, UTF-8 code points and grapheme clusters in a unified way
A set of service abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
Symfony Security Component - HTTP Integration
Enables decoupling PHP applications from global state
Provides integration for ProxyManager with various Symfony components
Symfony polyfill for intl's Normalizer class and related functions
Symfony polyfill for intl's grapheme_* functions
A set of HTTP client abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components
Provides powerful methods to fetch HTTP resources synchronously or asynchronously
Provides tools to manage errors and ease debugging PHP code
A generic function and convention to trigger deprecation notices
A set of abstractions extracted out of the Symfony components