как запустить: 0. склонировать на локальный репозиторий
- Для запуска приложения необохимо использовать "node": ">= 16.13.0<17"
- Ввести в командной строке npm i в папке приложения
- Запустить приложение командой node mycli c заданными параметрами (к примеру: node mycli -c "C1-R1-C0-C0-A-R0-R1-A-C1" -i "./input.txt" -o "./output.txt")
требования запуску: https://github.com/rolling-scopes-school/basic-nodejs-course/blob/master/descriptions/ciphering-cli-tool.md
CLI tool should accept 3 options (short alias and full name):
- -c, --config: config for ciphers
Config is a string with pattern
, where:
is a cipher mark:C
is for Caesar cipher (with shift 1)A
is for Atbash cipherR
is for ROT-8 cipher
is flag of encoding or decoding (mandatory for Caesar cipher and ROT-8 cipher and should not be passed Atbash cipher)1
is for encoding0
is for decoding
- -i, --input: a path to input file (ырщд)
- -o, --output: a path to output file
For example, config "C1-C1-R0-A"
means "encode by Caesar cipher => encode by Caesar cipher => decode by ROT-8 => use Atbash"