This contains a couple of scripts that I use to set up a new Mac computer. The other sets up some MacOS system settings while the other installs apps that I need/want in my computer.
This is a work-in-progress and gets updated whenever I change apps/tools that I use.
This project assumes that you have a clean, newly setup MacOS with git installed and you are able to run terminal commands.
- Clone the repo with
git clone
- Move into the terminal with
cd new-mac-setup
- Run
to update the OS and install XCode Developer Tools -> Reboot computer - CD into the
folder and runsh 2-install-software
.sh - Run
-> Reboot computer
You should now have updated computer with suitable settings and software installed.
Next one can move to install dotfiles with chezmoi
[] Set themes for applications (iTerm2, VSCode) [] Set which items to show/hide in MacOS menu bar (hide input source, show bluetooth) [] Set MacOS "globe" button to do nothing [] Set to use F1, F2 etc. as standard function keys [] Implement dotfiles installation
- Niko Kultalahti, [email protected]