PHP Monitor 5.6 is a quality of life release and improves the ease of use of the site isolation feature, and introduces the ability of users to customize what appears in the main menu when you click on the version number (or truck icon).
The recommended way of upgrading is running brew update-reset && brew upgrade phpmon
after you've installed PHP Monitor using Homebrew. This always gets you the latest and greatest stable version of PHP Monitor. If you did not use Homebrew to install the app, you can download a zip below (by expanding Assets and choosing phpmon.zip
What's New in 5.6
In Preferences there's a new Visibility tab. Here you can hide specific features from PHP Monitor's main menu: only keep what you really need!
The way the contextual menu works in the domain list has been modified. Instead of having to left-click on a domain before right-clicking, you can now instantly right-click on the item in question, and the domain will immediately be selected.
Upon right-clicking, if a site is already isolated, you will be able to instantly choose a different version of PHP to switch to for that site. (Think of this as a switcher... this means you won't have to remove site isolation and then manually reisolate the site again with your preferred PHP version. Thankfully!)