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nick8325 committed Sep 15, 2017
1 parent bbaba31 commit ee07ec4
Showing 1 changed file with 8 additions and 35 deletions.
43 changes: 8 additions & 35 deletions executable/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import Jukebox.Tools.EncodeTypes
import Jukebox.TPTP.Print
import Jukebox.Tools.Clausify(ClausifyFlags(..), clausify)
import Jukebox.Tools.HornToUnit
import qualified Jukebox.Sat as Sat
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap
import System.IO
import System.Exit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -499,8 +498,8 @@ runTwee globals (TSTPFlags tstp) main config precedence later obligs = {-# SCC r
putStrLn ""

return $
if solved state then Unsat Unsatisfiable
else if configIsComplete config then Sat Satisfiable
if solved state then Unsat Unsatisfiable Nothing
else if configIsComplete config then Sat Satisfiable Nothing
else NoAnswer GaveUp

-- Transform a proof presentation into a Jukebox proof.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -612,35 +611,9 @@ main = do
clausifyBox =>>= oneConjectureBox) <*>
(runTwee <$> globalFlags <*> tstpFlags <*> parseMainFlags <*> parseConfig <*> parsePrecedence)))
combine horn encode prove later prob
| isFof prob = do
prob <- horn prob
sat <- hasSizeOneModel prob
if sat then do
later $ do
putStrLn "The problem has a model of size 1."
putStrLn "In this model, all terms are equal to each other."
putStrLn ""
return (Sat Satisfiable)
else prove later prob
| otherwise =
horn prob >>= encode >>= prove later

-- Check if a problem has a model of size 1.
-- Done by erasing all terms from the problem.
hasSizeOneModel :: Problem Clause -> IO Bool
hasSizeOneModel p = do
s <- Sat.newSolver
let funs = Jukebox.functions p
lits <- replicateM (length funs) (Sat.newLit s)
funMap = Map.fromList (zip funs lits)
transClause (Clause (Bind _ ls)) =
map transLit ls
transLit (Pos a) = transAtom a
transLit (Neg a) = Sat.neg (transAtom a)
transAtom (Tru (p :@: _)) =
Map.findWithDefault undefined p funMap
transAtom (_ Jukebox.:=: _) = Sat.true
mapM_ (Sat.addClause s . transClause) (map what p)
Sat.solve s [] <* Sat.deleteSolver s
combine horn encode prove later prob = do
res <- horn prob
case res of
Left ans -> return ans
Right prob ->
encode prob >>= prove later

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