A headless, framework-agnostic and extendable rich text editor, based on ProseMirror.
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Have a look at the examples to see tiptap in action.
The full documentation is a available on www.tiptap.dev.
For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable:
mymind, DocIQ, Apostrophe CMS, Ycode, Flow Mobile, Gretel, Omics Data Automation, Novadiscovery, Atlan Technologies, Gamma, Kirchner Consulting, IT Xpert and hundreds of awesome inviduals.
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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
Sam Willis, Christoph Flathmann, Erick Wilder, Marius Tolzmann, jjangga0214, Maya Nedeljkovich, Ryan Bliss, Gregor and many more.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.