Dynamically generate mongoose schemas for your REST API, using your Swagger JSON.
npm install swagger2mongoose
mkdir -p api/models
touch api/models/people.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var swaggerDoc = require('./swagger.json');
var s2m = new Swagger2Mongoose({
swaggerDoc: swaggerDoc,
modelDir: 'api/models'
var options = {
_id: false,
collection: 'people'
var Schema = s2m.getMongooseSchema('People', options);
// decorate the Schema with methods before converting to a model
Schema.methods.lastSeen = function lastSeen(callback){
this.lastSeen = new Date();
var Model = mongoose.model('People', Schema);
swaggerDoc - The object containing the Swagger JSON
modelDir - The path to your models. The directory is checked for *.js files matching the name of the schema definitions in the Swagger JSON. The existence of model file in this directory signifies that a schema is a top level schema and not an embedded schema.
This can be used to generate mongoose schemas for your application, so that you have an extra level of validation in your application besides tools such as swagger-tools validator middleware that validate incoming requests and responses.
- Not all validations are enabled. Min, Max, Required, etc may not be enforced.