Here I have showing you that how to create realtime private chat application using socket io, Node JS, VueJS, Laravel.
The following are required to function properly.
- Node v8.4.0+
- Socket io v2.0
- Vue.js v2.4.0
- Laravel 5.4+
- Private chatting
- File send and receive
- Online Offline status
- Typing indicator
- Messages stored in database(MYSQL)
Step : 1
Go to project directory using Terminal / CMD
composer install
Step : 2
In project directory find .env.example and rename to .env
Generate laravel application key
php artisan key:generate
DB_DATABASE=your db name
DB_USERNAME=your db username
DB_PASSWORD=your db password
Also add below line in your .env
Step : 3
Run Migration & Seeder
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed --class=UserTableSeeder
Step : 4
Go to project directory using Terminal / CMD
Open nodejs folder
install node dependencies
npm install
Step : 5
In nodejs directory open config/dev.json file
change database, user, password
below database configuration is same as above.
"host": "localhost",
"port": 3306,
"user": "your db username",
"password": "your db password",
"database": "your db name"
Step : 6
Start Node JS Chat Server
Go to project directory using Terminal / CMD Open nodejs folder
export NODE_ENV=dev
npm start
Start Laravel Server
Open Second Terminal / CMD Go to project directory
php artisan serve
Open url in multipal browser
Login with below Users
No | Username | Password |
1 | [email protected] | 123456 |
2 | [email protected] | 123456 |
3 | [email protected] | 123456 |
Login at least 2 user in different browser.