Checks and variables
Verify generated code
Unit Tests
Build Binaries
Build Docker OSS (debian, linux/arm, linux/arm64, linux/amd64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x)
Build Docker OSS (alpine, linux/arm, linux/arm64, linux/amd64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x)
Build Docker Plus (debian-plus, linux/arm64, linux/amd64, goreleaser)
Build Docker Plus (alpine-plus, linux/arm64, linux/amd64, goreleaser)
Build Docker Plus (alpine-plus-fips, linux/arm64, linux/amd64, goreleaser)
Build Docker Plus (debian-plus, linux/arm64, linux/amd64, aws)
Build Docker NAP (debian-plus-nap, linux/amd64, goreleaser, dos)
Build Docker NAP (debian-plus-nap, linux/amd64, goreleaser, waf)
Build Docker NAP (debian-plus-nap, linux/amd64, goreleaser, waf,dos)
Build Docker NAP (debian-plus-nap, linux/amd64, aws, dos)
Build Docker NAP (debian-plus-nap, linux/amd64, aws, waf)
Build Docker NAP (debian-plus-nap, linux/amd64, aws, waf,dos)
Build Docker NAP (alpine-plus-nap-fips, goreleaser, linux/amd64, waf)
Build Docker NAP (alpine-plus-nap-v5-fips, goreleaser, linux/amd64, waf)
Build Docker NAP (debian-plus-nap-v5, goreleaser, linux/amd64, waf)
Setup Matrix for Smoke Tests
Helm Tests debian
Helm Tests debian-plus
Tag untested image with PR number
ingresses 1/2 debian 1.32.0 smoke tests
ingresses 2/2 debian 1.32.0 smoke tests
VSR 1/3 alpine 1.32.0 smoke tests
VSR 2/3 alpine 1.32.0 smoke tests
VSR 3/3 alpine 1.32.0 smoke tests
policies 1/2 alpine 1.32.0 smoke tests
policies 2/2 alpine 1.32.0 smoke tests
VS 1/3 debian 1.32.0 smoke tests
VS 2/3 debian 1.32.0 smoke tests
VS 3/3 debian 1.32.0 smoke tests
TS debian 1.32.0 smoke tests
VS 1/3 debian-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
VS 2/3 debian-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
VS 3/3 debian-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
TS debian-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
ingresses 1/2 alpine-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
ingresses 2/2 alpine-plus-fips 1.32.0 smoke tests
VSR 1/3 alpine-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
VSR 2/3 alpine-plus-fips 1.32.0 smoke tests
VSR 3/3 alpine-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
policies 1/2 alpine-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
policies 2/2 debian-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
OIDC-UI 1/1 debian-plus 1.32.0 smoke tests
AP_WAF 1/4 debian-plus-nap 1.32.0 smoke tests
AP_WAF 2/4 debian-plus-nap 1.32.0 smoke tests
AP_WAF 3/4 alpine-plus-nap-fips 1.32.0 smoke tests
AP_WAF 4/4 debian-plus-nap 1.32.0 smoke tests
AP_WAF_V5 1/1 debian-plus-nap-v5 1.32.0 smoke tests
AP_DOS 1/3 debian-plus-nap 1.32.0 smoke tests
AP_DOS 2/3 debian-plus-nap 1.32.0 smoke tests
AP_DOS 3/3 debian-plus-nap 1.32.0 smoke tests
AGENT 1/1 debian-plus-nap 1.32.0 smoke tests
Tag tested image as stable
Final CI Results
Promote images on Force Run
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