A free HTML5 and CSS3 template by Jesper Johansen
You are free to use this template for any purpose - both private and commercial. You're allowed to remove the credit link in the footer, but please, please leave it there. It allows me continuing creating free themes and templates.
The template is available as both WordPress and Blogger themes as well
- Download WordPress version by Tyler Longren
- Download Blogger version by Rethnaraj Rambabu (old version of the theme)
- Uses HTML5 and CSS3
- Uses the CSS preprocessor LESS
- Awesome design with a hot pink color! (can easily be changed)
- Fully working Ajax PHP contact form
- Modernizr for enabling of HTML5 elements & feature detects
- Uses the fonts [http://goo.gl/QufgJ](Open Sans and Merriweather), both loaded from Google Fonts
- Uses a 12-col grid system, known from Twitter Bootstrap
- Friendly IE6 & IE7 warning; user is recommended to update or install Google Chrome Frame
- Free to use! (: – It's released under New BSD License. The license is included in license.txt
MIT License. See LICENSE.md
- Open Sans font
- Merriweather font
- Modernizr
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- normalize.css
- Bootstrap, from Twitter
- Tyler Longren for WordPress version
- Rethnaraj Rambabu for Blogger version