Simple systemd Daemon to write ARP from interface wlp2s0 requests/replies to syslog. Also you can pause logging by sending commands through unix domain socket in format: integer time in seconds or word 'continue'. If pause expires daemon will write to syslog amount of missed requests. Written in pure golang using gopacket lib to capture packets.
It's important, that daemon must be run with root privileges, or you should run something like :setcap cap_net_raw+ep <your_appp_name>. Pull repository, build all *.go. Than you can just run program with root privilege. Integrating daemon with systemd is described in install section.
Required libcap-dev library. All go packets can be received using "go get" command.Required golang ver. 1.6.2 or higher (doesn't compile under go 1.3.3 and go 1.4) Also it's usefull to use socat utility. Example for Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
sudo apt-get install socat
go get
go get
go get
go get
sudo socat - UNIX-CONNECT:/tmp/foo // use this then daemon is already working to pause/continue logging
Pull repository, build all *.go files using go build and install in /usr/bin/arpLoggingDaemon or wherever you want, if you change ExecStart value in ArpLogginDaemon.service. You should also locate ArpLogginDaemon.service in /etc/systemd/system/ or write your own systemd script. After that execute the following commands (my unit here is name of *.service script (without .service)):
systemctl status myunit
systemctl enable myunit // if status: disabled
systemctl start myunit
If systemctl prints errors, fix it before start.
No tests added yet, it was my first learning program in golang.
go build *.go should work just fine, also you print all filenames manually or write your own build script.