Releases: needle-mirror/com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline
Releases · needle-mirror/com.unity.scriptablebuildpipeline
[1.19.2] - 2021-07-20
- Fixed an edge case where moving a scene would fail the build.
- Added additional details to the Trace Event Profiler output where the data was missing or unclear.
- Fixed an issue where NONRECURSIVE_DEPENDENCY_DATA would return NonRecursive bundle dependencies instead of the expected Recursive bundle dependencies.
- Updated version define for ENABLE_TYPE_HASHING to match backported Unity 2020.2.2f1 version.
- Fixed USerialize bug with handling of Type[] containing null values.
- Fixed an issue where the hash for Scene bundles would be calculated with a few missing bytes, returning an incorrect hash.
- Fixed an edge case with NONRECURSIVE_DEPENDENCY_DATA in which Scene Bundles would be unable to load MonoScripts and log Missing Behaviour warnings at runtime.
- New Project Behavior Change: PrefabPacked bundles now use a header size of 2 bytes instead of 4 bytes to reduce file identifier collision frequency in large projects.
- Previous behavior can be restored via the Scriptable Build Pipeline Preferences window.
- New Preference: FileID Generator Seed allows you to set a seed for file identifier generation to avoid project specific collisions.
[1.19.1] - 2021-06-04
- Improved performance of the GenerateBundlePacking build task.
- Updated version define for NONRECURSIVE_DEPENDENCY_DATA to match backported Unity 2019.4.19f1 version.
[1.19.0] - 2021-05-20
- Replaced our use of BinaryFormatter with new "USerialize"
- USerializer performance in synthetic tests is about 40x faster than BinaryFormatter
- Real world project tests have seen about 1.8x improvement of cold cache build times, and about 6x improvement of warm cache build times.
- Fixed a case where internal type hash was not being cached correctly causing constant cold cache hits.
- Fixed a case where previous build results could influence a new build incorrectly by including the wrong dlls.
- Fixed a case where multiple scenes in the same asset bundle could generate invalid or incorrect dependencies and not load all necessary data.
- Minor fix for native tep profiling results to separate the event name from the event context and to properly string escape the context.
- Added the DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations build parameter.
[1.13.1] - 2020-09-24
- Fixed an edge case where changing PlayerSettings.mipStripping did not rebuild asset bundles as required.
- Fixed an edge case where changing QualitySettings.maximumLODLevel did not rebuild scene bundles as required.
- Reduced unnecessary bundle rebuilds due to too much data in BuildReferenceMap
- Removed unnecessary memory overhead when hashing large data sets for caching.
- Added API to build player scripts to a separate location from Temp or Output Folders.
- Fixed SpookyHash and improved it's performance when used on Unity 2020.1 and greater versions.
- SpookyHash will be the default hashing method in Scriptable Build Pipeline on Untiy 2021.1 and greater.
- Contiguous Bundles will be Opt-Out in Addressables & Scriptable Build Pipeline in Untiy 2021.1 and greater.