#NECOMA MATATABI Docker image based on Hadoop 2.2.0
based on sequenceiq/docker-hadoop-ubuntu
It contains Apache Hadoop 2.2.0 with LZO native library, Hive 0.13.1, Presto 0.66 with additional HDFS import script and thread analysis scrips, necoma/matatabi_script.
If you'd like to try directly from the Dockerfile you can build the image as:
docker build -t necoma/matatabi
The image is also released as an official Docker image from Docker's automated build repository - you can always pull or refer the image when launching containers.
docker pull necoma/matatabi
In order to use the Docker image you have just build or pulled use:
docker run -i -t necoma/matatabi
You can run one of the stock examples:
# run presto CLI
presto:default> select * from sys.node;
As we have mentioned previously, a Docker file was created and released in the official Docker repository