Download the project from
Node version v14.21.1
Install npm packages:
npm i
Run on a devserver:
npm start
go to http://localhost:8080/ -
Production build (plugin plus demonstration page):
npm run buildDemo
Production build (plugin only):
npm run build
Run testing:
npm run test
Include styles from /dist/assets/css directory and, Jquery and scripts from /dist/assets/js directory in your project. Jquery is a mandatory dependency and should be included before the plugin:
<link href="[path to the file]/plugin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src="[path to the file]/jquery-[version].js"></script>
<script src="[path to the file]/plugin.js"></script>
<input id="my-element">
Initialization with min and max values defined in data-attributes:
<input id="my-element" data-min="-10" data-max="20">
Initialization with min and max values defined in the configuration object:
<input id="my-element">
$('#my-element').Slider({min: -10, max: 20})
onStart: (data) => {
onUpdate: (data) => {
onChange: (data) => {
// Initialize an instance
const $rangeSlider = $('#my-element').Slider().data('SliderMetaLamp');
// Get configuration of the instance
const startConf = $rangeSlider.getData();
// Update configuration of the instance
$rangeSlider.update({from: 2, to: 6});
// Disable the instance
// Enable the instance
// Destroy the instance
If value of a numeric parameter is passed as a string which can be converted to number, it will be converted to number:
{min: '10'} -> {min: 10}. In any other case it will be defaulted: {min: '10 deg'} -> {min: 0}. -
If any numeric parameter value (e.g. min, max, etc.) isn't compatible with its dependant parameters values (e.g. max value is smaller than min value {min: 10, max: 0}) - incorrect parameter will be defaulted: {min: 10, max: 0} -> {min: 10, max: 20}.
If value of a boolean parameter:
- is passed as 'true' (string), it will be converted to true (boolean): {bar: 'true'} -> {bar: true};
- is passed as 'false' (string), it will be converted to false (boolean): {bar: 'false'} -> {bar: false};
- any other non-boolean value will be converted to false (boolean): {bar: 10} -> {bar: false};
- If value of a string parameter doesn't match any of its possible values - it will be defaulted: {scalebase: 10} -> {scalebase: 'step'};
min?: number
max?: number
from?: number
to?: number
vertical?: boolean
range?: boolean
bar?: boolean
tip?: boolean
scale?: boolean
scaleBase?: string
step?: number
interval?: number
sticky?: boolean
shiftOnKeyDown?: number
shiftOnKeyHold?: number
onStart?: Function
onChange?: Function
onUpdate?: Function
min - minimal value of the slider
Type: number
Can be negative: yes
Can be zero: yes
Can be fractional: yes
Default: 0
Setting via configuration object: {min: -10}
Setting via data-attribute: data-min="-10" -
max - maximal value of the slider
Type: number
Can be negative: yes
Can be zero: yes
Can be fractional: yes
Default: min value plus 10
Setting via configuration object: {max: 10}
Setting via data-attribute: data-max="10" -
from - left/bottom control position (in double mode); control position (in single mode)
Type: number
Can be negative: yes
Can be zero: yes
Can be fractional: yes
Default: equals to min value
Setting via configuration object: {from: 10}
Setting via data-attribute: data-from="10" -
to - right/top control position (in double mode)
Type: number
Can be negative: yes
Can be zero: yes
Can be fractional: yes
Default: equals to max value
Setting via configuration object: {to: 10}
Setting via data-attribute: data-to="10" -
round - the number of digits after the point to round from/to value Type: number
Can be negative: no
Can be zero: yes
Can be fractional: no
Default: equals to 0
Setting via configuration object: {round: 2}
Setting via data-attribute: data-round="2" -
scalebase - the approach of scale breaking into gaps
Type: string
Possible values:- "step" - scale is broken into gaps where each gap is equal to the amount of units set in the parameter "step"
- "interval" - scale is brogen into amount of gaps set in the parameter "interval"
Default: "step"
step - number of units between two neighbor scale marks
Type: number
Can be negative: no
Can be zero: no
Can be fractional: yes
Default: equals to 1/2 of the slider track
Setting via configuration object: {step: 1}
Setting via data-attribute: data-step="1"
Applicable only together with scaleBase equal to "step" -
interval - number of units between two neighbor scale marks
Type: number
Can be negative: no
Can be zero: no
Can be fractional: yes
Default: equals to 1/2 of the slider track
Setting via configuration object: {interval: 10}
Setting via data-attribute: data-interval="10"
Applicable only together with scaleBase equal to "interval" -
shiftonkeydown - number of positions, the control shifts on a single push of a key (arrow left/right/up/down) on a keyboard
Type: number
Can be negative: no
Can be zero: no
Can be fractional: if scalebase = step: yes; if scalebase = interval: no
Default: equals to 1/2 of the slider track
Setting via configuration object: {shiftonkeydown: 1}
Setting via data-attribute: data-shiftonkeydown="1" -
shiftonkeydown - number of positions, the control shifts on a hold of a key (arrow left/right/up/down) on a keyboard
Type: number
Can be negative: no
Can be zero: no
Can be fractional: if scalebase = step: yes; if scalebase = interval: no
Default: equals to 1/2 of the slider track
Setting via configuration object: {shiftonkeyhold: 2}
Setting via data-attribute: data-shiftonkeyhold="2" -
vertical - vertical or horyzontal view of the slider
Type: boolean
Default: false
Setting via configuration object: {vertical: true}
Setting via data-attribute: data-vertical="true" -
range - double (two controls) or single (one control) view of the slider
Type: boolean
Default: true
Setting via configuration object: {range: false}
Setting via data-attribute: data-range="false" -
sticky - mode of control movement along the slider track: smooth mooving (non-sticky) or jumping from one scale-mark to another
Type: boolean
Default: false
Setting via configuration object: {sticky: true}
Setting via data-attribute: data-sticky="true" -
scale - mode of slider scale (visible or hidden)
Type: boolean
Default: true
Setting via configuration object: {scale: false}
Setting via data-attribute: data-scale="false" -
bar - mode of slider progress-bar (visible or hidden)
Type: boolean
Default: true
Setting via configuration object: {bar: false}
Setting via data-attribute: data-bar="false" -
tip - mode of slider tips (visible or hidden)
Type: boolean
Default: true
Setting via configuration object: {tip: false}
Setting via data-attribute: data-tip="false"
onStart(data) - callback on the first start of the plugin
data - configuration object matching configuration object interface
Type: function
Default: null -
onChange(data) - callback on each user’s interaction with the plugin
data - configuration object matching configuration object interface
Type: function
Default: null -
onUpdate(data)- callback on "update" public API method calling
data - configuration object matching configuration object interface
Type: function
Default: null
getData() Returns configuration object matching configuration object interface
update(data) data - configuration object matching configuration object interface
Updates plugin configuration -
disable() Blocks the plugin
enable() Unblocks previously blocked plugin
destroy() Deletes an instance of the plugin and removes its elements from DOM