$ pip install -r requirements.txt
To start the server:
$ FLASK_APP=app.py flask run
Or in debug mode with:
$ FLASK_DEBUG=1 FLASK_APP=app.py flask run
All the env variables should be put in a .env
file, in the root folder:
Then run:
$ heroku local
To run with heroku + gunicorn, or using the development procfile with
$ heroku local -f Procfile.dev
Run pytest with:
$ pytest [-v[v]] [-s] [-k <test_name>]
The init_db is a script that creates the database with empty tables, removing them if already present. The script does not accept any parameters and does not ask for user confirmation.
To run the script, use the command:
PYTHONPATH=. python3 scripts/init_db.py
Demo-content is a script which allows the user to generate fake (but realistic) data for all the database tables.
To run the script, use the command:
PYTHONPATH=. python3 scripts/demo_content.py
from the docs
folder run make html
to manually build the documentation with sphinx.
For development purposes
sphinx-autobuild ./source _build_html
can be used to hot reload the documentation that will be served at
Python - Used to create the back-end of API
This project is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.