This is an iOS build, integrated QuickBlox components are described below:
Location Based Chat (MapChat) for iOS:
This blox allows to see users POIs and content over GoogleMap
Augmented Reality Chat (AR Chat) for iOS This blox allows to see users' POIs and content in Augmented Reality world (phone camera overlay)
Group Chat (Local Chat room) for iOS
This blox allows to connect local users in a group chat room
If you want to build your own iOS app using ChattAR as a basis, please do the following:
Note: you can also watch our video turotial on Youtube.
- download the project from here (GIT)
- register a QuickBlox account (if you don't have one yet):
- log in to QuickBlox admin panel []
- create a new app
- click on the app title in the list to reveal app details:
- copy credentials (App ID, Authorization key, Authorization secret) into your ChattAR project code in /Chattar/FB_Radar/AppDelegate.m
- Enjoy!