Table Edits is a light (1.7k) jQuery plugin for making table rows editable. Built as minimally as possible so it's easy to extend. Demo
Table Edits only does a couple things:
- Replaces cell values with input fields on edit
- Handles row editing state
- Fires callbacks for edit, save and cancel
And optionally, a couple more:
- Binds a button or double click to start editing
- Binds enter and escape keys to save and cancel
- Maintains column widths when switching to edit
- Create select fields instead of input fields
$("table tr").editable({
keyboard: true,
dblclick: true,
button: true,
buttonSelector: ".edit",
dropdowns: {},
maintainWidth: true,
edit: function(values) {},
save: function(values) {},
cancel: function(values) {}
The only additional markup Table Edits requires is a data-field
attribute on each editable cell with it's column name:
<td data-field="name">Dave Gamache</td>
<td data-field="age">26</td>
<td data-field="sex">Male</td>
<a class="edit>Edit</a>
The last cell will not become editable because it does not have the data-field
Table Edits makes it easy to save edits. Callbacks are passed a values
object with column names and values of the edited row.
Posting the new data to an API endpoint is simple.
$("table tr").editable({
save: function(values) {
var id = $(this).data('id');
$.post('/api/object/' + id, values);