Implement basic MoE architecture
Implement simple training loop (The current code is able to work with Lab2 code)
Find dataset and tokenizer (wikipedia english and huggingface tokenizers BPE?) <- Partially here
Create training and eval code
Create Config setup
Tensorboard monitoring
Create Fedus Load Balance Loss
Add in evaluation metrics
Train and benchmark for testing (this is where I need to be in 2-3 weeks) <- You are here
Verify results against papers?
Create additional loss terms
Create norm and projected router
Expert Choice routing?
There is a chance I need to start with say BERT base and then duplicate the FF and add noise for "experts", this may affect results
I have now set up my model to work with the HuggingFace Trainer - may have to change output to type ModelOutput - This may also mean loss is calculated internally? (loss is calculated internally but I can change that) I now need to create a HuggingFace training script and then test this - use BERT tokenizer and Wikidump preprocessed at like 2022 I think they have - I will be testing reporting to tensorboard right after this
Once I am done with this I will be at the step of creating loss terms and monitoring
By the end of spring break I need to: - fedus (shazeer) loss - load balance loss - evaluation metrics - test code on a small batch <- here - test eval - test loss - test trainer - test monitoring