Docker images that include dependencies for building Sphinx- and MkDocs-based Percona documentation.
: An Alpine-based image for building MkDocs/Markdown documentation.sphinx
: Based on the official Sphinxsphinxdoc/sphinx
: Based on the official Sphinxsphinxdoc/sphinx-latexpdf
Perform a build (mkdocs build
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/docs perconalab/pmm-doc-md
Run the live preview local server (mkdocs serve
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -v $(pwd):/docs perconalab/pmm-doc-md mkdocs serve -a
Open your browser at http://localhost:8000
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/docs perconalab/percona-doc-sphinx make clean html
For PDF:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/docs perconalab/percona-doc-sphinx-latexpdf make latexpdf
Both assume a ./Makefile
and Sphinx source files in ./source
Alpine packages:
- python3
- python3-dev
- py-pip
For MkDocs, MkDocs plugins and dependencies:
- build-base
- cairo-dev
- gcc
- gdk-pixbuf-dev
- jpeg-dev
- libffi-dev
- musl-dev
- pango-dev
- zlib-dev
- graphviz
- git (for mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin)
- OpenJDK11 (for PlantUML)
- font-noto & ttf-inconsolata (fonts)
MkDocs packages and plugins:
- mkdocs - MkDocs itself.
- mkdocs-macros-plugin - Various useful macros.
- mkdocs-exclude - For excluding files from MkDocs processing.
- markdown-include - For including .md files in others.
- mkdocs-material - Base theme.
- mkdocs-with-pdf - Depends on WeasyPrint which depends on
which doesn't have a wheel and for which the Alpine package is currently in the testing repo and is hence installed separately. - plantuml-markdown - For PlantUML diagrams.
- mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin - For 'date last changed' page information.
- mkdocs-material-extensions - For icons.
- mkdocs-bootstrap-tables-plugin - Adds a bootstrap class to tables making them render better.
- mike - Tool for building and managing versions.
Additional Fonts:
- Chivo - To match website theme.
Sphinx extensions:
- sphinx-copybutton Adds a copy button to code blocks.
- sphinx-tabs Allows for tabbed content blocks.
- sphinx_markdown_builder Writes Markdown files from rst sources.
- sphinx_markdown_parser Allows for Markdown files in a Sphinx/rst project.
- sphinxcontrib-srclinks Adds various page links (e.g. to Github) to navigation bar.
- sphinx-reload Automatically rebuilds and serves a Sphinx project.
- pymdown-extensions