The task that we'll be working over is to build a HANGMAN game, It is a simple word guessing game. The player tries to figure out an unknown word by guessing letters. If too many letters which do not appear in the word are guessed, the player is hanged (and loses).
- Task 1: Implement a hangman game. Create a word generator and generate random words in every game.
- Task 2: Add a high score page to view the previous scores.
- Task 3: Giving hints to users, by showing a few letters when the user needs them. Also, you could give signs when the entered letters are wrong.
- Task 4: Make hard and easy mode with say, 5 lives in easy and 3 in hard mode. Also, word length and difficulty could be changed with respective levels. Easy words could have till 5 letters while difficult ones with longer words.
- Extras: Adding a timer for making it more interactive and competitive.