Making this repository for beginners in bug bounty. Aim is to master reconnaissance techniques and gain intermediate-level experience as a Client-Side vulnerabilities' Bounty Hunter.
Started: 1st Aug 2024
Pre-requisite: Make sure you've good understanding of JS. You can also refer my path
✔️ : Completed
❌ : Incomplete
⭕ : In progress
- [✔️] Learn Basics
- [✔️] Learn the details of Reflected XSS
- [✔️] Completed the labs of Reflected XSS
- [✔️] Started Stored XSS
- [✔️] Continued Stored XSS
- [✔️] Started DOM Based XSS
- [✔️] Completed DOM Based XSS
- [✔️] Started Revising all XSS concepts including some Labs.
- [✔️] Completed Revision.
- [✔️] JS Code Quality
- [✔️] Started JS Browser: Document
- [✔️] Continued JS Browser: Document
- [✔️] Continued JS Browser: Document
- [✔️] Started Attributes and Properties
Now that we are done with JS basics. We will move back to XSS.
- [✔️] Watched some Dom-based XSS tutorials on Youtube.
- [✔️] Started Beyond XSS
- [✔️] Browser Security Model
- [✔️] Enumeration Day 1
- [✔️] Started JS: pseudo protocol
- [✔️] Enumeration Day 2
- [✔️] Completed Chapter 1 and started Chapter 2.
- [✔️] Enumeration Day 3
- [✔️] Started CSP
- [✔️] Enumeration Day 4
- [✔️] Completed Chapter 2
- [✔️] Enumeration Day 5
- [✔️] Learnt to use Google Developer Tools
- [✔️] Enumeration Days 6 to 9
- [✔️] Read multiple Reports on Medium and infosec Writeups regarding various types of reported XSS vulnerabilities
- [✔️] Watched multiple XSS POCs on Youtube
- [✔️] Learnt to Used Chrome Dev Tools to find DOM Based XSS
- [✔️] Revised Portswigger Labs on DOM Based XSS
- [✔️] Mobile Application Research Days 1 to 5
- [✔️] Revised Portswigger Labs on DOM Based XSS and searched for potential sinks in real-world applications.
- [✔️] Enumeration Day 10
- [✔️] Completed Remaining DOM Based XSS Labs on Portswigger
- [✔️] Started XSS Challenges
- [✔️] Researched for tools to perform Automated XSS
- [✔️] Completed XSS Challenges upto Level 10.
- [✔️] Enumeration Day 10
- [✔️] Started Intigriti's XSS Challenges
- [✔️] Completed Intigriti's December 2022 Challenge
- [✔️] Enumeration Day 11 and 12
- [✔️] Started Practicing JS on Leetcode.
- [✔️] Completed Leetcode module until Day 3.
- [✔️] Started Intigriti's November 2022 Challenge
- [✔️] Researched on Client Side Vulnerabilities mentioned in Day 5
- [⭕]
- [⭕]