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n1o committed Sep 13, 2024
1 parent 58827e9 commit 221ac85
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions about/index.html
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I&rsquo;m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned Bloodshed C++ Since then more than 15 years has passed, and I managed to get an Master degree in computer science and statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had to opportunity to do build machine learning and distributed systems for early to mid sage startups. Currently my day job is at Paiqo tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation."><meta name=keywords content="blog,developer,personal"><meta name=fediverse:creator content><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="Data, Code and Breaking Stuff"><meta name=twitter:description content=" About Link to heading I’m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned Bloodshed C++ Since then more than 15 years has passed, and I managed to get an Master degree in computer science and statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had to opportunity to do build machine learning and distributed systems for early to mid sage startups. Currently my day job is at Paiqo tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation."><meta property="og:url" content=""><meta property="og:site_name" content="Data, Code and Breaking Stuff"><meta property="og:title" content="Data, Code and Breaking Stuff"><meta property="og:description" content=" About Link to heading I’m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned Bloodshed C++ Since then more than 15 years has passed, and I managed to get an Master degree in computer science and statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had to opportunity to do build machine learning and distributed systems for early to mid sage startups. Currently my day job is at Paiqo tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation."><meta property="og:locale" content="en"><meta property="og:type" content="article"><link rel=canonical href=><link rel=preload href=/fonts/fa-brands-400.woff2 as=font type=font/woff2 crossorigin><link rel=preload href=/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2 as=font type=font/woff2 crossorigin><link rel=preload href=/fonts/fa-solid-900.woff2 as=font type=font/woff2 crossorigin><link rel=stylesheet href=/css/coder.min.e927f7340e309d76dcb8fda85f1531ae7341aa9cd0b7f3ab77885dae77b1a0a2.css integrity="sha256-6Sf3NA4wnXbcuP2oXxUxrnNBqpzQt/Ord4hdrnexoKI=" crossorigin=anonymous media=screen><link rel=stylesheet href=/css/coder-dark.min.a00e6364bacbc8266ad1cc81230774a1397198f8cfb7bcba29b7d6fcb54ce57f.css integrity="sha256-oA5jZLrLyCZq0cyBIwd0oTlxmPjPt7y6KbfW/LVM5X8=" crossorigin=anonymous media=screen><link rel=icon type=image/svg+xml href=/images/favicon.svg sizes=any><link rel=icon type=image/png href=/images/favicon-32x32.png sizes=32x32><link rel=icon type=image/png href=/images/favicon-16x16.png sizes=16x16><link rel=apple-touch-icon href=/images/apple-touch-icon.png><link rel=apple-touch-icon sizes=180x180 href=/images/apple-touch-icon.png><link rel=manifest href=/site.webmanifest><link rel=mask-icon href=/images/safari-pinned-tab.svg color=#5bbad5></head><body class="preload-transitions colorscheme-auto"><div class=float-container><a id=dark-mode-toggle class=colorscheme-toggle><i class="fa-solid fa-adjust fa-fw" aria-hidden=true></i></a></div><main class=wrapper><nav class=navigation><section class=container><a class=navigation-title href=>Data, Code and Breaking Stuff
I&rsquo;m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned Bloodshed C++. Since then nearly 20 years have passed, and I managed to get a Master degree in Computer Science and Statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had the opportunity to do machine learning and build distributed systems for early to mid stage startups. Right now my day job is at Paiqo tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation."><meta name=keywords content="blog,developer,personal"><meta name=fediverse:creator content><meta name=twitter:card content="summary"><meta name=twitter:title content="Data, Code and Breaking Stuff"><meta name=twitter:description content=" About Link to heading I’m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned Bloodshed C++. Since then nearly 20 years have passed, and I managed to get a Master degree in Computer Science and Statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had the opportunity to do machine learning and build distributed systems for early to mid stage startups. Right now my day job is at Paiqo tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation."><meta property="og:url" content=""><meta property="og:site_name" content="Data, Code and Breaking Stuff"><meta property="og:title" content="Data, Code and Breaking Stuff"><meta property="og:description" content=" About Link to heading I’m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned Bloodshed C++. Since then nearly 20 years have passed, and I managed to get a Master degree in Computer Science and Statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had the opportunity to do machine learning and build distributed systems for early to mid stage startups. Right now my day job is at Paiqo tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation."><meta property="og:locale" content="en"><meta property="og:type" content="article"><link rel=canonical href=><link rel=preload href=/fonts/fa-brands-400.woff2 as=font type=font/woff2 crossorigin><link rel=preload href=/fonts/fa-regular-400.woff2 as=font type=font/woff2 crossorigin><link rel=preload href=/fonts/fa-solid-900.woff2 as=font type=font/woff2 crossorigin><link rel=stylesheet href=/css/coder.min.e927f7340e309d76dcb8fda85f1531ae7341aa9cd0b7f3ab77885dae77b1a0a2.css integrity="sha256-6Sf3NA4wnXbcuP2oXxUxrnNBqpzQt/Ord4hdrnexoKI=" crossorigin=anonymous media=screen><link rel=stylesheet href=/css/coder-dark.min.a00e6364bacbc8266ad1cc81230774a1397198f8cfb7bcba29b7d6fcb54ce57f.css integrity="sha256-oA5jZLrLyCZq0cyBIwd0oTlxmPjPt7y6KbfW/LVM5X8=" crossorigin=anonymous media=screen><link rel=icon type=image/svg+xml href=/images/favicon.svg sizes=any><link rel=icon type=image/png href=/images/favicon-32x32.png sizes=32x32><link rel=icon type=image/png href=/images/favicon-16x16.png sizes=16x16><link rel=apple-touch-icon href=/images/apple-touch-icon.png><link rel=apple-touch-icon sizes=180x180 href=/images/apple-touch-icon.png><link rel=manifest href=/site.webmanifest><link rel=mask-icon href=/images/safari-pinned-tab.svg color=#5bbad5></head><body class="preload-transitions colorscheme-auto"><div class=float-container><a id=dark-mode-toggle class=colorscheme-toggle><i class="fa-solid fa-adjust fa-fw" aria-hidden=true></i></a></div><main class=wrapper><nav class=navigation><section class=container><a class=navigation-title href=>Data, Code and Breaking Stuff
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<span class=sr-only>Link to heading</span></a></h1><p>I&rsquo;m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned <a href= class=external-link target=_blank rel=noopener>Bloodshed C++</a> Since then more than 15 years has passed, and I managed to get an Master degree in computer science and statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had to opportunity to do build machine learning and distributed systems for early to mid sage startups. Currently my day job is at <a href= class=external-link target=_blank rel=noopener>Paiqo</a> tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation.</p><p>My professional interests are:</p><ul><li>Machine Learning</li><li>High performance and distributed computing</li><li>Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation</li><li>Secure Coding</li></ul><p>As of my personal life, I am married (Still fiding it hard to figure out why she said yes!). I am also an father of three sons, cat person and a book worm committed to life long geek-hood.</p></article></section><link rel=stylesheet href=[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css integrity=sha384-vKruj+a13U8yHIkAyGgK1J3ArTLzrFGBbBc0tDp4ad/EyewESeXE/Iv67Aj8gKZ0 crossorigin=anonymous><script defer src=[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js integrity=sha384-PwRUT/YqbnEjkZO0zZxNqcxACrXe+j766U2amXcgMg5457rve2Y7I6ZJSm2A0mS4 crossorigin=anonymous></script><script defer src=[email protected]/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js integrity=sha384-+VBxd3r6XgURycqtZ117nYw44OOcIax56Z4dCRWbxyPt0Koah1uHoK0o4+/RRE05 crossorigin=anonymous onload='renderMathInElement(document.body,{delimiters:[{left:"$$",right:"$$",display:!0},{left:"$",right:"$",display:!1},{left:"\\(",right:"\\)",display:!1},{left:"\\[",right:"\\]",display:!0}]})'></script></div><footer class=footer><section class=container>©
<span class=sr-only>Link to heading</span></a></h1><p>I&rsquo;m Marek Barak, I started my journey into computer science when I was 15 by coding in C++, without having access to the internet and in good old fashioned <a href= class=external-link target=_blank rel=noopener>Bloodshed C++</a>. Since then nearly 20 years have passed, and I managed to get a Master degree in Computer Science and Statistics from the University of Economics in Bratislava. I had the opportunity to do machine learning and build distributed systems for early to mid stage startups. Right now my day job is at <a href= class=external-link target=_blank rel=noopener>Paiqo</a> tackling anything Data related. At nights I am an independent Cyber Security Researcher figuring out how to apply Machine Learning to Cyber Security especially in the field of Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation.</p><p>My professional interests are:</p><ul><li>Machine Learning</li><li>High performance and distributed computing</li><li>Reverse Engineering and Vulnerability Exploitation</li><li>Secure Coding</li></ul><p>As for my personal life, I am married (Still finding it hard to figure out why she said yes!). I am also a father of three sons, cat person and a book worm committed to life long geek-hood.</p></article></section><link rel=stylesheet href=[email protected]/dist/katex.min.css integrity=sha384-vKruj+a13U8yHIkAyGgK1J3ArTLzrFGBbBc0tDp4ad/EyewESeXE/Iv67Aj8gKZ0 crossorigin=anonymous><script defer src=[email protected]/dist/katex.min.js integrity=sha384-PwRUT/YqbnEjkZO0zZxNqcxACrXe+j766U2amXcgMg5457rve2Y7I6ZJSm2A0mS4 crossorigin=anonymous></script><script defer src=[email protected]/dist/contrib/auto-render.min.js integrity=sha384-+VBxd3r6XgURycqtZ117nYw44OOcIax56Z4dCRWbxyPt0Koah1uHoK0o4+/RRE05 crossorigin=anonymous onload='renderMathInElement(document.body,{delimiters:[{left:"$$",right:"$$",display:!0},{left:"$",right:"$",display:!1},{left:"\\(",right:"\\)",display:!1},{left:"\\[",right:"\\]",display:!0}]})'></script></div><footer class=footer><section class=container>©
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