This repository implements explanations for object detectors using object relationships, based on the previous work ODAM: This is a demo version using FCOS.
- Install mmdetection according to MMDetection Installation, and put the odam_onestage_fcos.ipynb into mmdetection folder.
- To preserve gradient in the inference process, change all "detach=True" in ./mmdet/models/dense_heads/ to "detach=False".
- make dir "./checkpoints", download corresponding FCOS weights from FCOS based on the adopted config file, and put it into "./checkpoints".
- make dir "./data", download MS COCO validation dataset and annotation file and put into "./data".
- for Faster-RCNN, modify method extract_feat in module mmdet.models.detectors.two_stage:
def extract_feat(self, batch_inputs: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor]:
x = self.backbone(batch_inputs)
if self.with_neck:
x_after_neck = self.neck(x)
return x,x_after_neck