This is a Flask app for managing cafes and users.
Starter code is provided by Rithm School.
- Many-to-many relationships in SQLAlchemy
- Software design for web applications & OO thinking in models
- Having Flask run JSON API routes
- Jinja templating
- Validating forms with WTForms
GET /cafes/add
Show form for adding a cafe
POST /cafes/add
Handle adding new cafe. On success, redirect to new cafe detail page with flash message “CAFENAME added.”
GET /cafes/[cafe-id]/edit
Show form for editing cafe
POST /cafes/[cafe-id]/edit
Handle editing cafe. On success, redirect to cafe detail page with flash message “CAFENAME edited.”
- Make a virtual environment and add the project dependencies:
mkvirtualenv flask-cafe
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Setup and seed the database:
createdb flaskcafe
- Start the server:
flask run