This module wraps around the mqtt module and provides further functionality, namely:
- Topic parsing
- Correlation ID Auto-Fill
Not yet available on npm, clone this repository to use this wrapper.
Just run npm test
(100% coverage)
var muzzleyMqtt = require('muzzley-mqtt');
var mqttOptions = {/*just like the mqtt api*/};
var topicOptions = {
version: 'v1',
namespace: 'iot',
options: {
profiles: 'appProfile',
channels: 'yourChannel', //or # for all channels
components: 'yourComponent'
properties: 'yourProperty'
var client = muzzleyMqtt.connect(mqttOptions);
client.on('connect', function () {
//creat a topic with options
var topic = new muzzleyMqtt.topic(topicOptions.version, topicOptions.namespace, topicOptions.options);
//stringify it to subscribe
client.subscribe(topic.stringify(), function(err, granted){
//Handle subscription
client.on('message', function(topic, OldMessage){
//process the topic
var parsedTopic = Topic.parse(topic);
//process and create a return message (add custom logic)
var returnMessage = {};
client.emit('wrapMessage', oldMessage, returnMessage, function(err, wrappedMessage){
//If the message is a read, wrappedMessage will have the _cid already set
//Also the message will be an 'i' message
//Now you only need to deal with the error (if any) and stringify the message for publishing
if (err) {
} else {
client.publish(topic, JSON.stringify(wrappedMessage));