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Case study of Swift TDD approach using modular, composable, clean architecture, solid principles and CI-CD


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NovaBlendSalon App Case Study


Salon list Feature Specs

1. Story: Customer requests to see available salons

Narrative #1

As customer
I want the app to show the latest remote salons
So I can always get the latest salon details 

Scenarios (Acceptance criteria)

Given the customer has connectivity
  And customer requests to see salons
 Then the app should display the available salon list from remote
  And replace the cache with the new salon

Narrative #2

As an offline customer
I want the app to show the latest saved salons
So I can always see the salon details 

Scenarios (Acceptance criteria)

Given the customer doesn't have connectivity
  And there’s a cached version of the salons
  And the cache is less than seven days old
 When the customer requests to see the salons
 Then the app should display the latest salons saved
Given the customer doesn't have connectivity
 And there’s a cached version of the salons
 And the cache is older than seven days old
When the customer requests to see the salons
Then the app should show empty list and delete cache
Given the customer doesn't have connectivity
And the cache is empty
When the customer requests to see the salons
Then the app should show empty list

Use Cases

Load Salons Data From Remote Use Case


  • URL

Primary course (happy path):

  1. Execute "Load Salons" command with above data.
  2. System downloads data from the URL.
  3. System validates downloaded data.
  4. System delivers salon data.

Invalid data – error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers invalid data error.

No connectivity – error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers connectivity error.

Load Salons From Cache Use Case

Primary course:

  1. Execute "Load salons" command.
  2. System retrieves salon data from cache.
  3. System validates cache is less than seven days old.
  4. System creates salon list from cached data.
  5. System delivers salon list.

Retrieval error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers error.

Expired cache course (sad path):

  1. System delivers no salons.

Empty cache course (sad path):

  1. System delivers no salons.

Validate Salon Cache Use Case

Primary course:

  1. Execute "Validate Cache" command with above data.
  2. System retrieves salon data from cache.
  3. System validates cache is less than seven days old.

Retrieval error course (sad path):

  1. System deletes cache.

Expired cache course (sad path):

  1. System deletes cache.

Cache Salons Use Case


  • Salons

Primary course (happy path):

  1. Execute "Save salons" command with above data.
  2. System deletes old cache data.
  3. System encodes salons.
  4. System timestamps the new cache.
  5. System saves new cache data.
  6. System delivers success message.

Deleting error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers error.

Saving error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers error.


NovaBlendSalon-Flowchart drawio

Model Specs


Property Type
name String
location String
phone String (optional)
openTime Float
closeTime Float

Payload contract

GET *url* (TBD)


    "salons": [
            "id": "a UUID",
            "name": "a name",
            "location": "a location",
            "phone": "a phone number",
            "open_time": 9.30
            "close_time": 22.30,
            "id": "another UUID",
            "name": "another name",
            "location": "another location",
            "open_time": 10.30
            "close_time": 20.30,
            "id": "even another UUID",
            "name": "even another name",
            "location": "even another location",
            "open_time": 8.00
            "close_time": 14.00,
            "id": "yet another UUID",
            "name": "yet another name",
            "location": "yet another location",
            "open_time": 11.00
            "close_time": 16.00,

2. Story: Customer requests an appointment with a salon

Narrative #1

As customer
I want the book an appointment with a salon on my preferred date and time slot
so that I can secure a convenient time for my service.

Scenarios (Acceptance criteria)

Given the customer has connectivity
  And customer selects a preferred date and time slot
When the customer requests to book an appointment with a salon  
Then the app should confirm the availability of the selected salon and time slot from the remote
 And book the appointment for the customer
 And update the cache with the new appointment details
Given the customer does not have connectivity
   And the customer selects a preferred date and time slot
When the customer attempts to book an appointment with a salon
   Then the app should display an error message indicating that booking requires an internet connection

Model Specs


Property Type
time Date (ISO8601)
phone String
email String (optional)
note String (optional)

Payload contract

POST *url* (TBD)


  "salonId": "a UUID",
  "appointmentTime" : "2024-10-20T11:24:59+0000",
  "phone": "a phone number",
  "email": "an email id",
  "notes": "a note",


  "salonId": "a UUID",
  "appointmentTime" : "2024-10-20T11:24:59+0000",
  "phone": "a phone number",
  "email": "an email id",
  "notes": "a note",

3. Story: Customer requests to see booked appointments

Narrative #1

As customer
I want the app to show the the appoinments I booked
So I can always view the latest appointment details 

Scenarios (Acceptance criteria)

Given the customer has connectivity
  And customer requests to see his booked appointments
 Then the app should display the appointment list from remote
  And replace the cache with the new appointments

Narrative #2

As an offline customer
I want the app to show the saved appointment bookings
So I can always see the booked appintment details 

Scenarios (Acceptance criteria)

Given the customer doesn't have connectivity
  And there’s a cached version of the appointments
 When the customer requests to see the booked appointments
 Then the app should display the appointments saved
Given the customer doesn't have connectivity
And the cache is empty
When the customer requests to see the booked appointments
Then the app should show empty list

Use Cases

Load Booked Appointments Data From Remote Use Case


  • URL

Primary course (happy path):

  1. Execute "Load Appointments" command with above data.
  2. System downloads data from the URL.
  3. System validates downloaded data.
  4. System delivers appointment data.

Invalid data – error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers invalid data error.

No connectivity – error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers connectivity error.

Load Salons From Cache Use Case

Primary course:

  1. Execute "Load Appointments" command.
  2. System retrieves appointment data from cache.
  3. System creates appointment list from cached data.
  4. System delivers appointment list.

Retrieval error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers error.

Empty cache course (sad path):

  1. System delivers no appointments.

Cache Appointments Use Case


  • Appointments

Primary course (happy path):

  1. Execute "Save appointments" command with above data.
  2. System deletes old cache data.
  3. System encodes appointments.
  4. System saves new cache data.
  5. System delivers success message.

Deleting error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers error.

Saving error course (sad path):

  1. System delivers error.

Payload contract

GET *url* (TBD)


    "appointments": [
          "salonId": "a UUID",
          "appointmentTime" : "2024-10-20T11:24:59+0000",
          "phone": "a phone number",
          "email": "an email id",
          "notes": "a note"
            "salonId": "another UUID",
            "appointmentTime": "2024-10-21T11:24:59+0000",
            "phone": "another phone number",
            "email": "another email id",
            "notes": "another note"
            "salonId": "even another UUID",
            "appointmentTime": "2024-10-22T11:24:59+0000",
            "phone": "even another phone number",
            "email": "even another email id",
            "notes": "even another note"
            "salonId": "yet another UUID",
            "appointmentTime": "2024-10-23T11:24:59+0000",
            "phone": "yet another phone number",
            "email": "yet another email id",
            "notes": "yet another note"

App Architecture

image description


Case study of Swift TDD approach using modular, composable, clean architecture, solid principles and CI-CD






