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Loads student data from school districts into the Symphony integrated library system


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Perl replacement for LibConnectEd

John Houser [email protected]

This application monitors for school district uploaded CSV files in /srv/libconnected, validates and reformats the data as needed, and updates or creates records in SirsiDynix Symphony. Record searches, updates, and creates are accomplished via the SirsiDynix Web Services API (ILSWS). A local MySQL database is utilized to store checksums for the student entries. The checksums are used to determine if student data has changed between loads. If it hasn't, no update is performed. If no checksum is found, a checksum is added to the MySQL database and the student record is added to the Symphony system.

Before Installation

These installation notes assume that the software is being installed on an Ubuntu server. This application requires the following Ubuntu packages be installed from the OS distribution. Hint:

sudo apt install PACKAGE_NAME
  • libssl-dev
  • mysql-server
  • zlib1g-dev

After the mysql-server installation, secure the mysql installation and set the mysql root password with the following command. Make a note of the root password! You'll need it to configure the checksum database.

sudo mysql_secure_installation

This application requires the following modules, which can be downloaded and installed from CPAN. Hint:

sudo cpan install MODULE_NAME
  • Data::Dumper
  • Date::Calc
  • DBI
  • DBD::mysql
  • Email::Mailer
  • File::Find
  • File::Basename
  • HTTP::Request
  • JSON
  • Log::Log4perl
  • LWP::Protocol::https
  • LWP::UserAgent
  • Parse::CSV
  • Switch
  • XML::Simple
  • Unicode::Normalize
  • URI
  • YAML::Tiny

Installation Notes

  1. Copy,, config.yaml.sample, and log.conf to the desired application directory, usually: /opt/relibconnected
├── bin
│   ├──
│   └──
├── config.yaml
├── config.yaml.sample
├── log
│   ├── ingestor.csv
│   └── mail.log
├── log.conf
└─ run
    └── ingestor.flag

The ingester.csv, mail.log, and ingester.flag files are created during an ingest and deleted automatically afterward. They are shown here for reference.

  1. Copy config.yaml.sample to config.yaml and edit the configuration as needed. Be sure to complete this step before moving on to steps 3 and 4.

  2. Run CONFIG_FILE MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD to create the MySQL database used for checksums. For example:

bin/ config.yaml 'thisismypassword'
  1. Run CONFIG_FILE to create the district user accounts and incoming directories. For example:
bin/ config.yaml

This step will create the upload directory structure, usually /srv/libconnected. Each school district will have its own directory underneath, along with its own incoming subdirectory, into which data files may be uploaded. The district accounts are configured so that their home directory is the same as their directory under /srv/libconnected.

A sample directory structure might look like this:

└── libconnected
    ├── multco03
    │   └── incoming
    ├── multco10
    │   └── incoming
    ├── multco28
    │   └── incoming
    ├── pps00
    │   └── incoming
    ├── pps01
    │   └── incoming
    ├── pps40
    │   └── incoming
    ├── pps99
    │   └── incoming
    └── rsd07
        └── incoming
  1. Configure the SSHD service to only allow sftp connections for their user who are members of the group sftponly, which was created by the script. Add the following stanza to the bottom of /etc/ssh/sshd_config and restart the SSH service:
Match group sftponly
  ChrootDirectory /srv/libconnected
  X11Forwarding no
  AllowTcpForwarding no
  ForceCommand internal-sftp -u 0117
  1. Create log and run subdirectories (owned by the user that will run the software.

  2. Create a relibconnected subdirectory, accessible to the user that will run the software, under /var/log/. You may want to add a relibconnected configuration file under /etc/logrotate.d/ to avoid uncontrolled log growth.

  3. Copy,, and to /usr/local/lib/site_perl/ or some other directory in the Perl include path. You may need to create the directory (as root) if it doesn't already exist. This will put the modules into a path where Perl looks for modules. Recent versions of Perl do not, by default, look in the current working directory.

  4. If you put the application somewhere other than /opt/relibconnected, edit the paths at the top of to match the application directory.

  5. Edit config.yaml as required. Make sure the base_path is set to the same directory as entered in the variable at the top of

  6. I don't recommend changing the names or locations of the log files as they are defined in log.conf unless you change the application base_path. If you do edit the names or paths to the log files in log.conf, you must also change them in

  7. Create two cron jobs for the user which owns the application directory. The first runs relibconnected every 5 minutes to check for uploaded data files. The second removes expired checksum records from the mysql database based on the max_checksum_age set in config.yaml. For example:

*/5 * * * * /opt/relibconnected/
15 2 * * * /opt/relibconnected/bin/ /opt/relibconnected/config.yaml
  1. One other utility script is included in the bin directory. Run it with the syntax, CONFIG_FILE. Use this script to spread out the expiration dates of checksum records so that the software doesn't attempt to update all the records from a given original load on the same date. The script will randomly adjust the date_added field in each record forward or backward by up to seven days. For example:
bin/ config.yaml

Configuration Notes

Field Definition Keywords

When configuring client districts, a number of keywords may be used to define the way the software will handle incoming data and derivative fields:

  • type: Symphony field type (used to determine data structure needed in JSON)
  • overlay: If true, update field when updating existing record
  • validate: Field validation rule to apply to incoming data (ingestor will throw error and skip record if validation fails)
  • transform: Transformation function (in which takes validated input from one or more fields in the incoming or existing record data and returns a valid value
  • overlay_default: Value to use in update IF FIELD CURRENTLY EMPTY
  • overlay_value: Value to ALWAYS overlay existing value during update
  • new_default: Value to use in create IF FIELD CURRENTLY EMPTY
  • new_value: Value to be used during new create

Validation Rules

Sample validation rules used in conjunction with the validate field definition keyword:

Type Example Comments
Date1 "d:YYYY-MM-DD"
Date2 "d:YYYY/MM/DD"
Date3 "d:MM-DD-YYYY"
Date4 "d:MM/DD/YYYY"
Timestamp1 "d:YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM"
Timestamp2 "d:YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM"
Integer "i:8" Length of 8
String "s:256" Max length of 256
List "v:01|11" Pipe delimited list of valid entries
Blank "b" Must be blank
Decimal number "n:3.2" Number(000.00)
Integer range "r:1,9999" Range between 1 and 9999

Note: All dates will be validated against the calendar


Loads student data from school districts into the Symphony integrated library system








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