I am assuming you already have Node.js installed. The script was developed and tested with v17.4.0. To install, run the following from the root directory of the project:
The script needs a file named .env
with configuration details specified. You can copy the example file (.env.example) provided as a starting template (ie: cp .env.example .env
). See below for documentation on the various configuration parameters.
- GOTCHI_IDS - (required) a comma separated list of gotchi ID's (ie:
) - ORIGINAL_OWNER_WALLET_ADDRESS - (required if LENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS is not the owner of the gotchis) address of the gotchi owner
- DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN - (required) Token of Discord Bot (needs permission to read message content)
- GOTCHIVERSE_SUBGRAPH - URI of the Gotchiverse Subgraph
The script can be run with the command:
yarn start
Simply put, do not use this script in production if you do not know what you're doing. I strongly urge you to implement a more secure method than plaintext for giving a script private keys. In production, a secure secret storage solution (ie: Docker secrets) is highly advisable.
To run the application in the background, you can use PM2 to daemonize it. An ecosystem.config.js
file has been provided with some suggested settings. You can install PM2 globally using npm install pm2 -g
To start the script, use pm2 start
. To stop the script, you can use pm2 stop gotchi-manager-analytics
or use pm2 delete gotchi-manager-analytics
. You can monitor the script with pm2 logs
or, the prettier version: pm2 monit
A dockerfile is included if you want to run the script inside a Docker container. Here are some suggested commands:
Build the image (from project root):
docker build -t gotchi-manager-analytics .
Run the container
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped gotchi-manager-analytics
Please note that the configuration file is part of the docker image, so the image would need to be rebuilt anytime the lending terms or other configuration has changed.