A project to learn about power system modelling and power system optimization with pyomo and pypsa.
- Economic Dispatch (ED, DED, DED with ramp rates, DED + battery)
- Dynamic Economic Dispatch with curtailment and storage
- Capacity Expansion
- Optimal Power Flow Theory
- Optimal Power Flow Example with PyPSA
Learning Resources:
- Energy Systems by Prof. Tom Brown (TU Berlin)
- Course "Power System Optimization in Pyomo I":
ED, DED, Battery model, Wind, Sensitivity Analsysis, and Visualization modeling in Pyomo
Certificate: www.ude.my/UC-3a55fc19-58a2-45ca-91ef-07ad3e409e95- Course "Economic Dispatch Optimization of a grid with Wind & Storage": Python, Pyomo and GAMS for optimization. DED in 1-bus and 24-bus grid.
Certificate: www.ude.my/UC-d6e45dc5-72b8-41ce-939c-2900397ed1c1- Power Systems Optimization Course by Michael Davidson and Jesse Jenkins at Princeton/ UC San Diego
- Course "Mathematical Optimization with GAMS and Pyomo"
- Course "Python-Powered Power Systems Analysis (Pypsa & Pandapower")
- Brown, T., Hörsch, J. and Schlachtberger, D. (2018) ‘PyPSA: Python for Power System Analysis’, Journal of Open Research Software, 6(1), p. 4. Available at: https://doi.org/10.5334/jors.188.
- D.P. Schlachtberger, T. Brown, S. Schramm, M. Greiner, The benefits of cooperation in a highly renewable European electricity network, Energy, Volume 134, 2017, Pages 469-481,
- https://github.com/Power-Systems-Optimization-Course/power-systems-optimization?tab=readme-ov-file
- https://arxiv.org/pdf/1704.05492
- https://gurobi-optimods.readthedocs.io/en/stable/mods/opf/opf.html
- https://nworbmot.org/courses/es-24/