- Install node
For Me:
brew install node
Have a cdmi-server running, the client will default to localhost if one isn't specified
cd cdmi-console/bin/; ./cdmi-console
The following commands are available:
clear -- Clears the screen
del[ete] -- deletes the current object
q[uit] -- quits the cdmi-console app
header -- add a header to get the object
headers -- lists the current headers
help -- lists these commands
pwd -- prints where in the cdmi tree the console is
sh[ow] -- shows the object, can be used with a key to specify the value returned
Example showing accessing cdmi root and the children of root.
./cdmi-console plugfest.mezeo.net
plugfest.mezeo.net:cdmi> sh
{ capabilitiesURI: '/cdmi/cdmi_capabilities/container/permanent/',
{ cdmi_owner: 'administrator',
mezeo_data_location_provided: [ 'US', [length]: 1 ],
cdmi_versions_count_provided: '0',
mezeo_modified_by: '',
[ { acetype: '0x0',
identifier: 'ADMINISTRATOR@',
aceflags: '0x0',
acemask: '0x1007ffff' },
{ acetype: '0x0',
identifier: 'ADMINISTRATOR@',
aceflags: '0x8',
acemask: '0x1007ffff' },
{ acetype: '0x0',
identifier: 'AUTHENTICATED@',
aceflags: '0x0',
acemask: '0x9' },
[length]: 3 ],
cdmi_size: '338',
cdmi_atime: '2012-09-17T21:46:52000Z',
cdmi_ctime: '2012-09-14T21:32:20000Z',
cdmi_mtime: '2012-09-14T21:32:20000Z' },
[ 'cdmi_capabilities/',
[length]: 4 ],
domainURI: '/cdmi/cdmi_domains/system_domain/',
childrenrange: '0-3',
objectID: '00008f6500192a63636c96ab42f637ab5d49553390e15f6270',
objectType: 'application/cdmi-container',
completionStatus: 'Complete',
objectName: '/' }
plugfest.mezeo.net:cdmi> sh children
[ 'cdmi_capabilities/',
[length]: 4 ]