Modify JSON files with a custom plop action type. Can add object key-values or push to arrays.
npm install --save plop-pack-json-modify
- json-modify-file. Modifiers JSON file
- Load
- Configure actions
// popfile.js
module.exports = (plop) => {
# Load the action
# Use in actions
type: 'json-modify-file', // Point to this action
force: true, // Overrides, create non existing
JSONFile: './destination.json', // File to modify
JSONKey: "routesObj", // Property to append to
JSONEntryKey: '{{pascalCase name}}', // Property to add
JSONEntryValue: { // value to add
mountpath: '/{{name}}',
module: '{{name}}/{{name}}_router'
Valid configuration options:
- force.
- False: Will respect existing data and structures.
- True: Will override existing keys, will create target collection if missing.
- JSONFile. File to modify
- JSONKey. Property in the JSON to modify.
- JSONEntryKey. When adding
the property to create. For arrays don't use. - JSONEntryValue. Value to add to array or to JSONEntryKey.
Modify this file:
// destination.json - You can start with {} if using force=true
routesObj: {},
modulesArray: []
With this input:
{ name: page }
Will result in:
"routesObj": {
"Page": {
"mountpath": "/page",
"module": "page/page_router"
"modulesArray": [
"mountpath": "/page",
"module": "page/page_router"
Using this plop file:
// plopfile.js
module.exports = (plop) => {
// plop.setDefaultInclude({ actionTypes: true });
plop.setGenerator('service', {
description: 'Create a new something.',
prompts: [
type: 'input',
name: 'name',
message: "What's the service name?"
actions: () => {
return [
type: 'json-modify-file',
force: true,
JSONFile: './destination.json',
JSONKey: "routesObj",
JSONEntryKey: '{{pascalCase name}}',
JSONEntryValue: {
mountpath: '/{{name}}',
module: '{{name}}/{{name}}_router'
// Arrays
type: 'json-modify-file',
force: true,
JSONFile: './destination.json',
JSONKey: "modulesArray",
JSONEntryValue: {
mountpath: '/{{name}}',
module: '{{name}}/{{name}}_router'
package added run with:
DEBUG=json-modify-file plop