An API service for performing transformation operations over Ontology Driven Conceptual Models.
The server is running here.
If you are interested to know more, feel free to open an issue to provide feedback on the project or reach our team members for more specific cases:
Endpoint documentation is available at /docs
and /redoc
Test if the server is running and accepts requests:
[GET] http://host-name:port/health
Ask for 2 definitions (apply define) to the concept 'Mother'
[GET] https://host-name:port/define?concept=Mother&number_of_def=2
Apply abstraction (parthood and hierarchy) to the model
[POST] http://host-name:port/abstract
with the following body:
"abs_type": [
"long_names": true,
"mult_relations": false,
"keep_relators": true,
"in_format": "json",
"out_format": "json",
"origin": {
As an example of the ondology-driven conceptual model you may take any model from the OntoUML/UFO Catalog.
- Docker 20.10 or later
- GitHub account
In general, you need only to run the docker-compose
However, if you want to run expand
operation, you will need to specify your credentials in .env.example
git clone [email protected]:mozzherina/Expose.git
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose --compatibility up -d
- Create a fork from the repository.
- Go to your GitHub account and create an access token for this repository: Your GitHub Profile / Settings / Developer Settings / Fine-grained Tokens / Generate new token.
- In
to your own values.
Please, refer to the PURL and cite the paper:
Romanenko, E., Calvanese, D., Guizzardi, G.: ExpO: Towards Explaining Ontology-Driven Conceptual Models. (2024) DOI