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[draft] Backpack Connect

toolness edited this page Mar 7, 2013 · 25 revisions

Backpack Connect

Note: if you're an issuer, you may find the issuer documentation more helpful than this page.

For background, see #140.


  • RequestClient is the server or application that wants to use Backpack Connect.

  • UserAgent is the user's Web browser.

  • Intermediary is an as-of-yet unspecified intermediary that takes care of determining where the user's backpack is. Ultimately this might be a trusted website, or it could even be something built-in to the user's browser. For now, the intermediary is For more information and discussion on this, see Brian's servicefederation gist.

  • Backpack is the user's backpack.


  • [RequestClient → UserAgent] Initiate connection request
    callback: "",
    scope: ['issue']
// represent this structure in the database somehow

{ user: "[email protected]",
  origin: "",
  permissions: ["issue"]
  accessToken: "qTVrO12y7ucEO5Jz8kYRP2G2",
  accessTimestamp: 1360362764
  refreshToken: "7UiDj13BjhQ5kXxqn/V45t87",

Making an authenticated request

  • [RequestClient → Backpack] POST to issue endpoint. access_token should be Base64 encoded and included in the Authorization header.
POST /api/issue HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer cVRWck8xMnk3dWNFTzVKejhrWVJQMkcy
Content-Type: application/json

{ "badge": <badge data> }
  • [Backpack] Confirm token hasn't expired. If it has, respond with 401

    • If it has, respond with 401
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="example",
                  error_description="The access token expired"
  • [Backpack] Award badge to user associated with the access token.
  • [Backpack → RequestClient] Respond with success

Refreshing a token

  • [RequestClient → Backpack] POST to token at the api_root. Note, Authorization header is not used here.
POST /api/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{ "grant_type": "refresh_token",
  "refresh_token": "7UiDj13BjhQ5kXxqn/V45t87"

Further Reading

RFC6750: Bearer Token Usage. Even though we are not using the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, we are using the equivalent of bearer tokens and as far as I can tell it makes sense to follow the OAuth 2.0 spec for them.

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