chore: pre-commit autoupdate #54
firefoxci-taskcluster / Decision Task
Mar 3, 2025 in 45s
FirefoxCI (pull_request)
The task that creates all of the other tasks in the task graph
View task in Taskcluster | View logs in Taskcluster | View task group in Taskcluster
Task Status
Started: 2025-03-03T19:59:50.665Z
Resolved: 2025-03-03T20:00:06.927Z
Task Execution Time: 16 seconds, 262 milliseconds
Task Status: completed
Reason Resolved: completed
RunId: 0
- public/actions.json
- public/docker-contexts/fetch.tar.gz
- public/docker-contexts/python.tar.gz
- public/fetch-content
- public/full-task-graph.json
- public/label-to-taskid.json
- public/logs/live_backing.log
- public/logs/live.log
- public/optimizations.log
- public/parameters.yml
- public/runnable-jobs.json
- public/run-task
- public/target-tasks.json
- public/task-graph.json
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] Task ID: AcoeXNo0RNGZ9FMmG-no0Q
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] Worker ID: 5754862992674764664
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] Worker Group: us-west1-b
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] Worker Node Type: projects/887720501152/machineTypes/n2-standard-2
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] Worker Pool: mozilla-1/decision-gcp
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] Worker Version: 38.0.5
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] Public IP:
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] Hostname: mozilla-1-decision-gcp-b3slxwl3rsodfx4p7co37g
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 19:59:50.742Z] using cache "mozilla-project-reps-level-1-checkouts-sparse-v2" -> /builds/worker/checkouts
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 20:00:00.494Z] === Task Starting ===
[setup 2025-03-03T20:00:01.923Z] run-task started in /
[setup 2025-03-03T20:00:01.923Z] Invoked by command: --reps-checkout=/builds/worker/checkouts/src -- bash -cx cd /builds/worker/checkouts/src && ln -s /builds/worker/artifacts artifacts && taskgraph decision --pushlog-id='0' --pushdate='0' --project='reps' --owner='pre-commit-ci[bot]' --level='1' --repository-type=git --tasks-for='github-pull-request-untrusted' --base-repository='' --base-ref='main' --base-rev='75709bf1adb7af94e225a488a9cd939492cba52b' --head-repository='' --head-ref='pre-commit-ci-update-config' --head-rev='425ccc19f114706fb4cd0a0cd57d521daeea3065'
[setup 2025-03-03T20:00:01.923Z] Python version: 3.11.2
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:01.927Z] WARNING: vcs checkout path (/builds/worker/checkouts/src) not in cache or volume; performance will likely suffer
[setup 2025-03-03T20:00:01.927Z] running as worker:worker
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:01.927Z] executing ['git', 'config', '--global', '--add', '', '/builds/worker/checkouts/src']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:01.934Z] executing ['git', 'clone', '', '/builds/worker/checkouts/src']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:01.936Z] Cloning into '/builds/worker/checkouts/src'...
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:02.476Z] executing ['git', 'fetch', 'origin', 'main']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:02.749Z] From
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:02.751Z] * branch main -> FETCH_HEAD
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:02.755Z] executing ['git', 'checkout', 'main']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:02.761Z] Already on 'main'
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:02.761Z] Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:02.762Z] executing ['git', 'fetch', 'origin', '75709bf1adb7af94e225a488a9cd939492cba52b']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.021Z] From
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.021Z] * branch 75709bf1adb7af94e225a488a9cd939492cba52b -> FETCH_HEAD
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.027Z] executing ['git', 'fetch', '--tags', '--force', '', 'pre-commit-ci-update-config']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.258Z] From
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.258Z] * branch pre-commit-ci-update-config -> FETCH_HEAD
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.264Z] executing ['git', 'fetch', '--no-tags', '', 'pre-commit-ci-update-config']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.494Z] From
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.494Z] * branch pre-commit-ci-update-config -> FETCH_HEAD
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.499Z] executing ['git', 'checkout', '-f', '-B', 'pre-commit-ci-update-config', '425ccc19f114706fb4cd0a0cd57d521daeea3065']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.507Z] Switched to a new branch 'pre-commit-ci-update-config'
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.510Z] cleaning git checkout...
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.510Z] executing ['git', 'clean', '-nxdff']
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.513Z] removing []
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.513Z] successfully cleaned git checkout!
[vcs 2025-03-03T20:00:03.520Z] TinderboxPrint:<a href='' title='Built from reps commit 425ccc19f114706fb4cd0a0cd57d521daeea3065'>425ccc19f114706fb4cd0a0cd57d521daeea3065</a>
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.520Z] executing ['bash', '-cx', "cd /builds/worker/checkouts/src && ln -s /builds/worker/artifacts artifacts && taskgraph decision --pushlog-id='0' --pushdate='0' --project='reps' --owner='pre-commit-ci[bot]' --level='1' --repository-type=git --tasks-for='github-pull-request-untrusted' --base-repository='' --base-ref='main' --base-rev='75709bf1adb7af94e225a488a9cd939492cba52b' --head-repository='' --head-ref='pre-commit-ci-update-config' --head-rev='425ccc19f114706fb4cd0a0cd57d521daeea3065' \n"]
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.525Z] + cd /builds/worker/checkouts/src
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.525Z] + ln -s /builds/worker/artifacts artifacts
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.527Z] + taskgraph decision --pushlog-id=0 --pushdate=0 --project=reps '--owner=pre-commit-ci[bot]' --level=1 --repository-type=git --tasks-for=github-pull-request-untrusted --base-repository= --base-ref=main --base-rev=75709bf1adb7af94e225a488a9cd939492cba52b --head-repository= --head-ref=pre-commit-ci-update-config --head-rev=425ccc19f114706fb4cd0a0cd57d521daeea3065
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.921Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,921 - INFO - Loading graph configuration.
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.939Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,933 - WARNING - using default project parameters; add reps to PER_PROJECT_PARAMETERS in /usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/taskgraph/ to customize behavior for this project
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.939Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,933 - INFO - Using Parameters(id=2cbc7a725a66) (from defaults)
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.939Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,934 - INFO - writing artifact file `parameters.yml`
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.941Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,941 - INFO - writing artifact file `actions.json`
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.943Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,943 - INFO - Loading kinds
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.945Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,945 - INFO - Generating full task set
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.958Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,958 - INFO - Writing docker-contexts/fetch.tar.gz for docker image fetch
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:03.979Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:03,979 - INFO - Writing docker-contexts/python.tar.gz for docker image python
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.000Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,000 - INFO - Generated 2 tasks for kind docker-image
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.016Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,016 - INFO - Generated 1 tasks for kind fetch
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.020Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,020 - INFO - Generated 2 tasks for kind test
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.023Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,023 - INFO - Generated 1 tasks for kind codecov
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.023Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,023 - INFO - Generating full task graph
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.023Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,023 - INFO - Full task graph contains 6 tasks and 6 dependencies
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.024Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,024 - INFO - writing artifact file `full-task-graph.json`
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.026Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,026 - INFO - writing artifact file `runnable-jobs.json`
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.027Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,026 - INFO - Generating target task set
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.027Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,027 - INFO - Filter filter_target_tasks pruned 4 tasks (2 remain)
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.027Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,027 - INFO - writing artifact file `target-tasks.json`
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.028Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,028 - INFO - Generating target task graph
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.028Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,028 - INFO - Adding 2 tasks with `always_target` attribute
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.028Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,028 - INFO - Generating optimized task graph
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.028Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,028 - INFO - No tasks removed during optimization
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.093Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,093 - INFO - Replaced 2 tasks by index-search (index-search) during optimization.
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.094Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,093 - INFO - writing artifact file `task-graph.json`
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.094Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,094 - INFO - writing artifact file `label-to-taskid.json`
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.097Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,097 - INFO - Creating task with taskId M9rxAzF5SsCUK35VEu0NAQ for test-type-check
[task 2025-03-03T20:00:04.103Z] 2025-03-03 20:00:04,103 - INFO - Creating task with taskId YDUGpzsBSzaIeA-VUZ0LNQ for test-unit
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 20:00:04.501Z] === Task Finished ===
[taskcluster 2025-03-03 20:00:06.486Z] Successful task run with exit code: 0 completed in 15.745 seconds