- Pro
talkbot Public
Forked from nullabork/talkbotText-to-speech and translation bot for Discord
conductor Public
Forked from Netflix/conductorConductor is a microservices orchestration engine.
ops-registry-migration Public
A python script that can migrate registry (BETA)
www-project-top-10-ci-cd-security-risks Public
Forked from OWASP/www-project-top-10-ci-cd-security-risksOWASP Foundation Web Respository
cheems-bot Public
Forked from DiegoMagdaleno/cheems-botMeet Cheems as a Discord bot!
rightlink_scripts Public
Forked from flexera-public/rightlink_scriptsRightScripts for RightScale's RightLink10 (aka RightLinkLite) agent
ansible-role-jenkins Public
Forked from geerlingguy/ansible-role-jenkinsAnsible Role - Jenkins CI
mcrcon Public
Forked from Tiiffi/mcrconRcon client for Minecraft
NexusImageClean Public
Forked from xmapst/NexusImageCleanNexus CLI for Docker Registry v2 🐳
patroni Public
Forked from patroni/patroniA template for PostgreSQL High Availability with Etcd, Consul, ZooKeeper, or Kubernetes
ansible-github_actions_runner Public
Forked from MonolithProjects/ansible-github_actions_runnerDeploy GitHub Actions self-hosted runner
nexus-cli Public
Forked from mlabouardy/nexus-cliNexus CLI for Docker Registry v2 🐳
nyancat Public
Forked from klange/nyancatNyancat in your terminal, rendered through ANSI escape sequences. This is the source for the Debian package `nyancat`.
captains-log Public
Forked from mashlo/captains-log🚀 A responsive Jekyll theme based on my personal internet site
PuTTY-to-OpenSSH-Converter Public
Forked from abdrakhmanov/PuTTY-to-OpenSSH-ConverterConvert your exported list of PuTTY accounts to a Shuttle configuration file.
leeroy_jenkins Public
Forked from Jellyvision/leeroy_jenkinsA CLI tool for managing Jenkins job configurations
ansible-blue-green Public
Forked from leucos/ansible-blue-greenBlue-green deployement for Ansible