Minimalist comment solution for static webpages.
- Easy to install and setup
- Easy to integrate into own page-layout
- Maximize compliance with GDPR by only storing what is really necessary
- Can be used as server or via CGI
- No dependencies client-side while using Komment (e.g. jQuery)
- No dependencies during run-time (No specific versions of a script environment or DB servers ...)
- No dependencies during build-time (Go standard library only)
Build (or use a pre-built binary for) Komment for your OS/Architecture and copy it - together with the
directories - to your server. (CGI: make sure it is world-accessible and has its execution permissions set correctly.) -
Configure Komment via
in theconfig
- subdirectory. (CGI: make sure the config file is not accessible from the webserver. Theconfig
-directory in this repo contains an appropriate.htaccess
file for Apache.) -
Modify the HTML templates in the
-directory to match your sites layout. -
Make the necessary modifications to your HTML pages / theme.
(CGI: Done.) Configure your webserver to make Komment accessible to the outside world.
// ==============
// World-accessible URI of Komment.
// Despite the name, this is also the URI of Komment when
// running as server. Either directly or any proxy-mapping
// happening through nginx, Apache &c.
"CgiPath": "/komment/komment.cgi",
// Instead of Komment running as a one-off via CGI it can
// also run as a server. Set ListenOn to the host:port it
// should ListenOn. e.g. "".
"ListenOn": "",
// ==============================
// either an absolute path or relative path to the executable
// where messages will be stored
"MessagesPath": "messages",
// number of seconds after posting during which a message can be edited
"EditWindow": 60,
// maximum length of a message.
// any longer and the message will be truncated and "..." will be added.
// if MaxLength is not set or 0 no limit will be imposed
"MaxLength": 100000,
// maximum length of the poster's name
// if MaxNameLength is not set or 0 no limit will be imposed
"MaxNameLength": 40,
// ===========
// absolute path or relative to executable where templates are located
"TemplatePath": "templates",
// format used during output.
// reference date: Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006
"DateFormat": "2006-Jan-2, Mon 15:04 MST",
// =============
// absolute or relative (to executable) path to a text file
// with each line being a regular expression to match an id against.
// if any match is found the valid is interpreted to be valid.
// set Whitelist to "", to disable it.
"Whitelist": "config/id-whitelist.txt",
// if the id is not whitelisted (or Whitelist being disabled)
// Komment uses IdValidator to verify the validity of an ID.
// IdValidator is the path to an executable which is called
// with 2 arguments:
// - raw-komment-id
// - komment-id
// if IdValidator runs successfully and returns 0 the id is
// interpreted as valid.
"IdValidator": "/home/johndoe/bin/id_validator",
// =============
// Does not work when running via CGI.
// Limiting is implemented as token bucket, with each message
// consuming one token.
// Maximum number of tokens in bucket.
"BucketSize": 5,
// Number of seconds until a new token is generated.
"TokenRate": 60,
// =================
// Get notification of new comments sent to SmtpTo.
// If SmtpTo is empty, no notifications will be sent.
"SmtpTo": "[email protected]"
"SmtpFrom": "[email protected]",
"SmtpHostname": "",
"SmtpPort": 587
"SmtpUser": "example",
"SmtpPassword": "Staple1HorseToTheHay!",
Komment uses 3 templates to tailor the HTML output to your needs:
- count.html.tmpl
- form.html.tmpl
- message.html.tmpl
Add the following snippets to your webpage.
Count of messages for a certain thread (data-komment-id):
<div class="komment_count" data-komment-id="example-2"></div>
Insert a form to add a new comment:
<div class="komment_form" data-komment-id="example-2"></div>
Render all messages:
<div class="komment_messages" data-komment-id="example-2">Enable Javascript to see comments</div>
At the end of your website add:
<script src="/komment/komment.cgi?r=script"></script>