Implementation of CS2400 Project 5 includes and interface and class files.
Both Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix Graph Implementation classes are included in src/main/java and tested in successive parametrized
unit test methods in src/test/java/
Both class files contain implementations and depth and breadth first traversal methods
Group Members: Maya Tene(@mootene), Jibriel Ustarz(@jaustarz)
GraphInterface written by Maya
Vertex written by Maya
AdjacencyMatrixGraph written by Maya
AdjacencyListGraph written by Jibriel and Maya
GraphTest and VertexTest unit test methods written by Jibriel and Maya
Vertex written by Maya
Javadocs generated by Jibriel
Javadoc Links:
main method located in src/test/java/ and will output traversals of given graph by both graph classes to terminal. to run unit tests/ check for buid failures utilize "mvn test" and "mvn compile" on command line. (All files can be seen passing tests and build success shown in screen recording) \
Link to Demonstration Video:\