Derived from
The postgis-geocoder
image provides a Docker container running Postgres 9 with
PostGIS 2.1 installed. This image is
based on the official postgres
image and provides variants for each version of Postgres 9 supported by the
base image (9.1-9.4).
On the version 9.1+ images, the PostGIS extensions can be installed into your
database in the standard way via psql
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder;
If prefer to use the older template database mechanism for installing PostGIS, the
image also provides a template_postgis
template database with postgis.sql
, and spatial_ref_sys.sql
In order to run a basic container capable of serving a PostGIS-enabled database, start a container as follows:
docker run --name some-postgis-geocoder -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d moofish32/postgis-geocoder
For more detailed instructions about how to start and control your Postgres
container, see the documentation for the postgres
Once you have started a database container, you are going to want to set up the TIGER Line data. The data is large and not included in the container directly. The first step is the national data and can be run by:
docker exec -it some-postgis-geocoder bash /gisdata/
If all you want to do is find out which state a latitude and longitude is in you do not have to do anything else. If you want to actually geocode entire addresses then you need the specific details TIGER Data for each state, this involves a couple of steps, we will do the District of Columbia since it's small
docker exec some-postgis-geocoder psql -U postgres -d geocoder -o /gisdata/ -A -t -c "SELECT loader_generate_script(ARRAY['DC'], 'geocoder') AS result;"
docker exec some-postgis-geocoder chmod +x /gisdata/
docker exec -it some-postgis-geocoder bash /gisdata/
It will take a few minutes to download and install all the data. Once it finishes you need to update the indexes:
docker exec some-postgis-geocoder psql -U postgres -d geocoder -c "SELECT install_missing_indexes();"
Now lets test and see if all of this works:
✗ docker exec -it some-postgis-geocoder psql -d geocoder -U postgres
psql (9.3.9)
Type "help" for help.
#first lets find all states that overlap with a circle of radius 38558 meters
#from a latitude and longitude
SELECT FROM tiger_data.state_all z
ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-119.921619, 38.531740),4326), 26986) ,38558,8),4269), z.the_geom);
# sample output
geocoder=# SELECT FROM tiger_data.state_all z
geocoder(# ST_Transform(
geocoder(# ST_Buffer(
geocoder(# ST_Transform(
geocoder(# ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(-119.921619, 38.531740),4326), 26986)
geocoder(# ,38558,8),4269),
geocoder(# z.the_geom);
(2 rows)
#Now geocode an address into a latitude and longitude from a string
# for cut n paste
SELECT g.rating, ST_X(g.geomout) As lon, ST_Y(g.geomout) As lat,
(addy).address As stno, (addy).streetname As street,
(addy).streettypeabbrev As styp, (addy).location As city, (addy).stateabbrev As st,(addy).zip
FROM geocode('1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500') As g;
#sample output
geocoder=# SELECT g.rating, ST_X(g.geomout) As lon, ST_Y(g.geomout) As lat,
geocoder-# (addy).address As stno, (addy).streetname As street,
geocoder-# (addy).streettypeabbrev As styp, (addy).location As city, (addy).stateabbrev As st,(addy).zip
geocoder-# FROM geocode('1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500') As g;
rating | lon | lat | stno | street | styp | city | st | zip
2 | -77.0351147858455 | 38.8986709360362 | 1600 | Pennsylvania | Ave | Washington | DC | 20502
(1 row)
geocoder-# \q
See the PostGIS documentation for more details on your options for creating and using a spatially-enabled database.